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Topics - -TM^-REDLION-FE-

Pages: [1]
Solved Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal of -TM^-REDLION-FE-
« on: December 27, 2012, 08:01:18 PM »
Ban Appeal

Who I was banned by: I don't know

Why I was banned: I don't know (I disconnected from the server, I was not removed by the ban)

What server I was banned from : TTT

What Date I was banned on : 12/27/2012 Around Noon

Steam ID: redlionsp

My in-game name: -TM^-REDLION-F€-

My link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978304878/

Additional Comments:

I have never caused any problems on the server (never been kicked etc. ) and I honestly don't know why I was banned. I just logged on to my steam account about an hour ago and I tried to play and it said I was banned. I honestly don't know why I was banned at all. Before I left I played 4 rounds on the server on cs_office_unlimited. The last round I played I typed kill in console because I had to go with my mother to go to errands. When I came back it said I was banned. Before that round I killed a traitor because he had a Vintar out and he was by an un-ID body, there was a KOS on a player named Doctor for shooting someone with his HUGE and I shot him with the Vintar I had just picked up but he was apparently Innocent. Before that round I disconnected as a Traitor because of Lag. So I don't know what could have possibly caused me to be banned as my Karma didn't drop below 900.


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