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Topics - Holy

Pages: [1]
The Art Forum / Chaos Aeon [Holys Band]
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:25:32 PM »
Hey guys, my band just put out 2 songs on youtube and I wanted to get opinions. We only added our 2 fan favorites for now. Even if you aren't into metal it would be cool to hear what you think. I play keyboard and do lead vocals for Karnival Killer, the guitarist, JP, does lead vocals for Screams of the Voodoo Priest.

Screams of the Voodoo Priest:

Karnival Killer: (Our fun song)

Debate Forum / Origin of Life
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:13:35 AM »
How did life get here?

-All posts must contain the word "life" or a variant of the word "life" in it at least once.

Trendy ways to start this:
-Big Bang
-Dark Emo's chest hairs

Debate Forum / Piss Christ Controversy
« on: November 24, 2010, 02:09:54 AM »
In 1987, a photographer named Andrew Serrano took a picture of a plastic crucifix in a jar of his urine. This picture is known as Piss Christ and it bestowed Serrano with $15,000 from the government. Getting money for covering Jesus with urine outraged many people. Serrano soon after received death threats and hate mail from the American public. A nun said that it is a beautiful picture. Serrano claims that it targets perceived commercializing or cheapening of Christian icons in contemporary culture.

Is this picture appropriate and does it have a message which justifies it's use of urine. Why or why not?

The Art Forum / Smiley faces by me.
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:11:21 AM »
I got bored so I decided to make these. If you like them feel free to use them.

General Gaming Talk / Server Essentials (with links)
« on: November 16, 2010, 04:00:58 AM »
Just thought up a few things that a basic dark rp server needs. I would post in the other thread but the spammers with useless suggestions drown out major needs of any RP server. This should save time in looking for the links. I have 900+ hours in gmod, most of which is being an admin on DarkRP servers. Just in case you have your doubts about what I list below.


-Wiremod (http://www.wiremod.com/forum/installation-malfunctions-support/4-wiremod-svn-guide.html)
-Money Detector 1.2 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=90117)
-Conna's Tools (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=15744)
-Keypad 1.4 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=43948)
-Admin Keypad Cracker (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=71949)
-Anti-Noclip (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=29932)
-Weight (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=19331)
-Smart Snap + Easy Precision (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=99704)
-Advanced Stacker (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=73351)
-Smart Weld (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=18508)
-Super Parent Multi (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=79531)

-PHX3 (http://tutorials.matt-russell.com/garrysmod/installphx3.html)

-rp_downtown (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=51759) [more lag than construct, less lag than evo_city]

Admin Mods:
-ASS_mod (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=78521)
-ULX (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=75022)
-Whatever is on the ttt server, although the other 2 are more suited for RP.

-DarkRP Class Maker 1.4 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=92354)
-Drug Dealer/DrugMod 2.2/Drug Shipments (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=100527) [Adding Drug Dealer + Drug Shipments requires a program which can open and edit lua files]

***For Wiremod and PHX3 there are SVN links to the official SVN Checkouts for both of them. This means that you can keep PHX and Wiremod up to date with a simple right and left click instead of browsing all over for it. I suggest what it says on the Wiremod website and use Tortoise SVN. [Most computers use the 32-bit download.]

General Gaming Talk / Team Holy [Ready for Matches]
« on: October 26, 2010, 02:24:38 AM »

Team Holy

Holy [GMT -6]
Troven [GMT -8]
Rebelmaster [GMT -8]
Inject OH []
Doc Mentalist [GMT - 5]

Concerning opposing teams

If anyone would like to challenge us on the CG server, form a team up to 5 people and let me know here. It can be a fun match or a wager match where each captain puts money from their in server bank on the line. If it is a wager match, specify the amount wagered. Challengers also get to set the victory condition for the match out of the following:

  • First to win 1-10 rounds
  • Best out of 3/5/7/9 rounds
  • Most wins in 5/15/30/45/60 minutes

You may also decide on what weapon groups are allowed out of the following:

  • Knife Only
  • Knife/Pistols Only
  • Knife/Pistols/Shotguns Only
  • Knife/Pistols/SMGs Only
  • Knife/Pistols/Rifles Only (Including Para)
  • All Guns

***Grenades/Special Gear are allowed in all groups***

Please make challenges in this format:

Team Members: [Up to 5 members]

In-game Wager: Fun Match / [$ Amount]

Victory Condition: [One Condition from above]

Weapon Group: [One Weapon Group from above]

Map: [Any standard CSS map]

Friendly Fire: [on/off]

Concerning Current Team Members:

As leader, I must be cunning and skilled. To make sure this is the case, I offer the option of succession matches. The succession match will consist of a 1v2 and then a 1v1 match. There will be 10 rounds total. 5 Rounds will consist of the challenger from team Holy as well as another team member who is requested to help versus the current leader. If the leader wins 3 out of 5 rounds, the challenger will fail and cannot re-challenge for a week. If the Challenger and other teammate win 3 out of 5 rounds, the Challenger and the Current Leader face off in 5 more rounds in a 1v1 fight. If the Challenger is to win 3 out of 5 rounds, then he/she is the new leader.

  • The current leader cannot refuse a challenge
  • Challenges may only be offered once a week per person
  • Challenger may request one other member of the team to assist with the first 5 out of 10 rounds.
  • If the Challenger wins 3 rounds out of the first 5, then he/she will progress to the 1v1 succession match.
  • If the Challenger wins 3 rounds out of the last 5, then he/she is the new leader.
  • All weapons are permitted during a succession match.
  • The leader decides what map the succession match will be on.
  • The Challenger selects what team the leader will be on [T or CT.]
  • If the Leader loses, he/she must wait 1 week to challenge the new leader.

Debate Forum / Red White or Yellow?
« on: October 08, 2010, 05:04:38 AM »

Who has the best dress and why? Go!

The Art Forum / Holy the composer? O_o
« on: September 21, 2010, 03:42:25 AM »
So I scavenged up an old music myspace that I had from 2006 and remade it and added recent music I made. ^_^ I wanted to get an opinion. There's 1 piano song [auspicious], 1 organ [raznuit], and 2 songs progressive songs composed of a rock band [bliss and an epic tale]. Don't worry, I am not singing.  :P

The songs were made on a crappy composing program that doesnt have good sounding instruments.

Anyway, here it is.. Holy a.k.a. Aereo Woosp:

Old Time Aways / Need some time to self...
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:20:06 AM »
My grandma just died along with my girlfriend being unable to ever speak with me/see me for a long time so I am not doing so well emotionally. It happened on the same day and just sucked. I don't know how long it will take me to recover. =\ I need some time away.

Debate Forum / What defines racism
« on: August 16, 2010, 05:34:54 AM »
There is a lot of talk of what is racist and what isn't racist. To some people, simply saying someone's skin color is considered to be racist (I facepalm myself at those people.) What, in your opinion, is the true form of racism and why do you stand upon that viewpoint?

Old Time Aways / Not on as much for a week
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:24:38 PM »
I am in the process of recording a demo with my band so we can play at a bad ass haunted house called the House of Shock. I may pop up in game on occasion but it won't be for long.

Maps Area / Fun project.
« on: July 17, 2010, 01:59:40 AM »
Hey guys, I am starting to make a ttt map for the ttt server which is a recreation of the classic goldeneye map: bunker. I am trying to make it as true to the original as I can only using half life textures. I was wondering if anyone knew a good site for screenshots of the level so I can make an accurate version of it. I've tried youtube to give me a general idea, however, the quality is horrible in most the videos.

General Gaming Talk / Gmod builders brag thread
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:24:38 PM »
How many of you guys are sandboxers on gmod? It would be fun to compare all the stuff we all made. Post screenies/links of your works here. All my stuff can be found here: http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?p=22517181#post22517181  (Yes, I am holywiremod if you have heard of me.)

So let's see what you guys got. ^_^

Zombie Master / Come back zombie master!!!!
« on: July 13, 2010, 02:42:16 AM »
Has anyone heard of anyone picking zombie master back up to try and resurrect it?

Solved Applications / TTT Gmod admin app *Approved*
« on: June 23, 2010, 04:41:02 AM »
What server are you applying for: TTT Conjoint Gaming | Terror Town

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Epic, Sneaky Veroox, if Wholegrain sees this perhaps he would too.

In game name: (=CG=) ??†Holy†??

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/choctar/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19843467

Do you have past admin experience:
- 1 Month on Wholegrains TF2 server
- 1 Month admin in gmod build servers
- 6 Month super admin on Redd's DarkRP server

What are some good qualities you possess:
-I am experienced and very familar with admin commands.
-I ask questions then act instead of just kicking or banning.
-Sometimes I will go on the server under a differant name to investigate abusive players and catch them in the act.
-I love to argue for the sport of it and hear other people's opinions to better myself as a person in knowledge and logic.

What country are you from: USA

Age: 20

Additional notes:  :o

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