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Topics - Inject OH 4

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Programming / [VB] PIP Media Player!
« on: 07 Feb, 2012 06:30 »
Nothing special but Windows Media Player by default doesn't appear to have a PIP function. PIP of course being Picture In Picture. Which is a feature on some TV's allowing your to watch two shows at once with one being shrunk down and places in any corner of the screen you desire.

I want to do the same with my PC except instead of TV and stuff I just want to watch videos on my PC while I play a game or do w/e else. Nothing super awesome no amazing code behind it just something I wanted to do for my self.

I'll release the application for everyone else when I'm done for free if anyone's interested.

Thoughts? Idea's Etc.

(can already be done on pc but only with TV tunners and stuff.)

Well I've finished and made sure this server was connected to our sourcebans. So enjoy an easy admin and setup system from hear on out for this server.

Make sure if you have any request to do so.

Programming / VB (.Net) Tutorial Series.
« on: 25 Nov, 2011 07:38 »
A few people have request it from me so I was wondering if anyone's still interested in learning.

Even if it's not the programming language you want to learn if you don't know any right now its a great starter language and every program should start with one.

Also you can download the free compiler (Visual Studio) express edition from Microsoft site to follow along with my tutorials easily.

The series would be including beginner things etc etc and also user requested things. By the end you should have a good understanding of VB. So if anyone's interested post below and vote. I'm only willing to do this if im getting user responses IE you guys saying something like ohh can we learn this or a thanks or at least a reply or something. -_- anyways yeah :P

And if you think its to hard... fyi everything appears hard if you don't understand it. And things are usually a lot easier to understand then you think and once you have a good basic working knowledge of the topic things become a lot easier to understand. In other words it's not really as difficult as it looks granted it gets harder at points but once you learn everything it's fine. Anyways hope to see what you guys think

-Game On-

Admin Applications / Post Count Rule Explained!
« on: 12 Nov, 2011 23:42 »
Post Count
A Novel by Inject OH 4

Why do we need a high post count for members to get admin? Well hears why:

Reason 1: Post mean people are on the forums semi frequently which means we get ad Revenue which helps pay to keep CG alive. The money we get from these adds helps keep the site up , sourcebans, ventrilo , and many other smaller things. It's also a way of showing you can donate to CG to help us run the servers and get new ones etc. It's CG's Main Money Bin. It's.... the website.

Reason 2: It shows you care about CG and are an active member of the online CG Community and actually care about the community and take effort to learn it's rules and know it's members. Post count means you post on the forum and by posting on the forum you are in turn being an active forum member if you not active on the forums your missing out on half the CG Content this is where we talk and chat as a Community Theirs no reason for you to be an admin if your not going to actually be an active helpful member of the community and give something back to help us become a larger stronger community.

Reason 3/ Sum Up:

Posting shows you care. We don't want just random admins to join. Admins must be CG Community Members. Not only are they an admin they are a member who enjoys being part of CG and is a COMMUNITY MEMBER. This is our community. If your not posting your clearly not part of it.

The whole point of CG is ruined if no one post.

I hope this sums up CG Posting Rule. As it DOES make sense and any one who thinks otherwise is clearly disillusion.

-Game On-

Announcements/Information / T-Shirt Talks Assistance!
« on: 24 Sep, 2011 16:54 »
OK. Our CG store is close to being open.

What are some awesome CG phrases and sayings or clever ideas you'd like to see on top of the current lot of shirts?

Programming / [VB] TaskCalendar
« on: 18 Sep, 2011 08:42 »

TaskCalendar - Keeping track and keeping simple.

TaskCalendar is a new application I'm designing and creating with the help of Eco who will be making the graphical additives of this application that are looking REALLY GOOD. Anyways you probably want to know more about what this program is or does so hears the break down...

What is TaskCalendar
TaskCalendar is a simple but advance to-do list, task manager*, reminder, event planning, calendar, Application. So you might be like ehh what? I don't get it. What does it do. Basically lets say you have to remember to feed the dog everyday at 8:00PM but you are like me and millions (actually billions) of others and can't remember that crap cause your life has more pressing matters like trying to remember where you left the last Cheeto bag or why you woke up on the roof of your house. Either way doesn't matter TaskCalendar can handle remembering for you. So lets say you set that in to TaskCalendar when the time comes (depending on your settings *remind me 5 mins before, 10 etc) it will Alert you with a message on your screen telling you "hey bud? yeah it's time to feed that dog.... SERIOUSLY" you can even set it so the message will keep poping up over and over if you hit ignore until you do it. Also you can set it so the message stays on top of every window. So lets say your watching your favourite videos.... well to bad TaskCalendar has something more important to tell you. TaskCalendar can also be set to open actual task for you at any set date and time you want. Lets say for some weird reason you want TF2 to auto run every Monday at 6:00 then TaskCalendar will do that.

Remember however TaskCalendar is in the SUPER UBER MEGA ULTRA Alpha Stages and these features will be added but at this time everything's still in the works :D

Anyways if you have suggestions for more features or your confused feel free to type and ask.
This will be a super awesome program.

When finished it will have TaskCalendar - Lite and TaskCalendar - Pro for versions.
Pro will not be free :O, however I'm going to be giving away a few free copys of the pro version. So don't worries theirs still a great chance you can win a free copy :)

Might make it so people who have suggestions that I add get a copy who knows.

Anyways comment below Thanks :D

Programming / [VB] ServerRestarter
« on: 03 Sep, 2011 07:38 »
Working on and pretty much done a simple server checker. Right now it looks to see if the ZM server is on. If not it restarts it.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Help Section / Gaming Headset Whats the best one?
« on: 02 Sep, 2011 00:08 »
I want to buy my self a nice sexy ass head set with a FUCKING EPIC Mic and good to great sound quality.


Headsets I've looked at:

Razer Carcharias
Razer Megalodon *a little high on price
Razer Piranha *a little gay so no
EarForce X11 Turtle Beach

What do you guys think :/

Zombie Master / ATMA
« on: 01 Sep, 2011 08:06 »

*Noted ATAM V2 Will have a respond function MAYBE.*

Programming / [VB] ATMA: Txt Msg Admin Tool
« on: 02 Aug, 2011 15:43 »
Hey I've been working on a little tool. Not sure who will have accuses to it. Maybe everyone? I dunno.

Hears what it does.
 Say you on TTT and the server gets hacked and you all like OH NOES I NEED INJECT OR WHOLEGRAIN OR JORGEN OR SOMEONE.

So you open steam friends. Low and behold their all offline


Do you have their number to text them? Nope and your not going to.
BUT... with this app you can do just that. *Numbers are not displayed there hard coded in*

You text an admin with stuff like TTT needs an update. Site is hacked. Blah blah.
Stuff thats important.

Now lets say some dick is like muhahahah i'm a spam people.

Well first of all you can only send a text message every SET amount of time. Secondly I can disable everyone's application AND THIRD. I can add users to a offsite ban list :D

Still in beta working out some minor bugs. Jorgen wants me to add a feature so you can send it to a specific admin like him self instead of all of us for convenience like maybe its late and only Jorgens time zone would make scene.

Anyways suggestions? Comments? Below :D

Also I'm sure there is a spelling mistake so go ahead bash it -_-

I made an easy hello world application.
For the start of the starts. It's only if you know NOTHING about programming.

If you want to see my game calculator and all the other fun stuff I'll make tuts/release code for that but only if you guys are interested.

tell me what you think of the tut. Also ignore the spelling errors. I messed up a bit it in cause I had interruptions.

Also this probably isn't the ideal language to start out with but it's one of the easiest so why not.
That's the video enjoy.

IF that link doesn't work for you...

Programming / Time Played Simple Application!
« on: 30 Jul, 2011 12:15 »
Hey guys. I just got invited to the BF3 Alpha Trial a while back and I tried launching is as a none steam game but the way Origin is set up it was impossible so I made an empty VB app launched it with BF3 to Represent it.

I then later realized Steam wasn't tracking my time for non steam games.
So I had to impervise. I decided I'd take the empty app and turn it into a time played tracker so I could keep track how long I played it.

I haven't finished the application yet but i was wondering if you anyone would like to see a tutorial on how to make this simple app or just source code or something. :D Anyways I'll post the App exe below when I'm done.
I'd love to help people wanting to learn Visual Basic.


Productions / Thinking of making a new CG Community AD!!
« on: 26 Jul, 2011 12:34 »
I really wanan make a sweet new montage/ad for CG a bit like
but with more montage and music.

An Advertisement but epic and good.

Who's in?

Minecraft / New Minecraft Server!! With new rules
« on: 18 Jul, 2011 22:19 »
Rules aren't all set so use common scene.

PVP Is on and Mobs are on. Do not PVP without good reason. No Griefing etc.

Anyways enjoy the server CLICK for the IP :

Voice Server / DO NOT MOVE: Minecraft Hidden IP
« on: 17 Jul, 2011 20:49 »
Our MC server IP is:

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