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Topics - Wholegrain

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General Gaming Talk / Custom Maps POST
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:59:34 PM »
Provide links to custom maps you would like to see on the kf server

pwned is willing to work on the kf server

General Gaming Talk / CSS Zukuto Head Admin
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:19:25 PM »
He is up for Head Admin for css server

he has already shown alot of dedication to the server and he has a small starting playerbase for the css server

good or no?

I say yes

this locks in 24 hours

News / 2nd Video up
« on: April 30, 2011, 05:23:42 PM »
I think tennis baller made it

it is on our main youtube account


General Gaming Talk / KF Fixed*
« on: April 22, 2011, 08:20:16 PM »
Server was being a bitch and after wresting with it for nearly an hour got it working

updater didn't overwrite any files server was out of date

also changed difficulty to hard


General Gaming Talk / New Content! Read
« on: April 17, 2011, 07:32:05 PM »
Ok this is something i expect that if you read this than you at least post a suggestion

to much does this happen where nobody offers any suggestions to further the darkrp server and it goes neglected as a result of nobody helping out with offering suggestions

This server is first on the list for a content release and I would like to see suggestions of what can be coded to make the server more popular

new jobs or a cool feature perma props etc.....

here is an example of something that we want to add to the server is

List of things that will be included in the next update
1. Construction Worker Class Added
-15+ more props can be spawned and access to more tools
2. Cop/swat models changed to be more realistic
3. Gang models changed

(dont say perp that is irrelevant for now but one will go up later)

Old Time Aways / Wholegrain bout that time
« on: April 12, 2011, 05:38:45 PM »
Name: Wholegrain

Time you are leaving: unknown possible 1-2 weeks of being pretty inactive

In Which position you are admin in bruh?: key holder to bloods heart

Additional Comments:

I am sick tired failing high school and need a bit of time to rest

I expect the other Community Leaders to manage the projects that need to get done around CG and for the rest of Leadership to do their part.  Inject I need you to help around CG for this little while i know it is a bitch but when i come back you can take a 2 week break as well and i will cover for you.

DO NOT ASK ME FOR ANYTHING until i lock this thread if so i will simply link you to this thread and depending on how important (hacking server restart etc.. talk to me)

When i come back Either every community leader and head admin is going to fly or die.  To those that don't need to be withing a cl/ha rank and don't do anything for CG to really progress it will be let go

I will however throw up a quick clt program when i come back (around the end of this month) and than it is all on you and I will be watching.

Voice Server / 25 slots now
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:08:44 PM »
thank you inject

remember to join and get others to join etc....

News / Fretta video
« on: April 04, 2011, 07:43:05 AM »
We should schedule a video shooting in fretta of all of us just goofing off and just get the highlights of it

possibly a community night?

just any suggestions to get cg's name out there

Voice Server / upgrade
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:33:10 PM »
We should upgrade soon to a 20 slot because CG is starting to get alot more traffic on the vent server

Admin Department / Adding Admin Protocal
« on: March 30, 2011, 12:26:00 AM »
Regarding Adding Admins to Community Leaders and Head Admins this an update in procedure to adding an admin

you are no longer adding admins via ftp to admin_simple text file

INSTEAD you will be adding admins via sourcebans which all of you should have access too if not send me a private message on the forums and you will be provided with the correct information

to the new head admins it will be included in your original access to your servers including gameserver ftp fast dl ftp and cp access

This is only to be distributed to Leadership in CG and no other access is to be granted at anytime unless 2 community Leaders agree that it is necessary.

I will teach each of the head admins to personally use sourcebans

The reason behind this is that when you add admins via ftp it won't show their name on sourcebans.  This method (the new one) kills 2 birds with one stone which is organizes all of the admins into one nice place and makes it easier to manage more servers and more admins and get things done in a more efficient manner.

This is in regard to all sourcemod admin servers (excludes kf server so hollow no need to read this)

Zombie Master / Arbys for Head Admin
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:17:20 AM »
A good guy funny about my age (18) and willing to learn how to manage server he has been an admin for me back in ctc and he is really the only person that keeps the zm server alive and without him the zm server would have shut down a long time ago when most of cg got bored of it

thread will lock in 48 hours

General Gaming Talk / [Changelog] Fretta
« on: March 27, 2011, 08:35:59 PM »
here I will try to keep an updated place of things i changed

* Fixing Garryware map download
* Adding stalker maps

Zombie Panic: Source / Pwnd for Head Admin
« on: March 27, 2011, 02:32:55 PM »
He has managed a zps server before about 2-3 times personally I think he shares the same ideology as me when it comes to populating a server.  He has always shown dedication and he helps populate among with doc mentalist and tk

topic locks in 48 hours

General Gaming Talk / Hollow for Head Admin
« on: March 27, 2011, 02:30:28 PM »
We all know her so what do you think of her in an leadership position personally i think she has the credentials so what do you think?

this topic locks in 48 hours

CG Community Suggestions / Forum Instant Messaging
« on: March 27, 2011, 05:47:43 AM »
Inject and I were thinking about how cool it would be to implement an IM system like facebook onto the forums one where you could go offline if you didnt want to talk to people but mainly you could chat with people without even adding them to steam chat.

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