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Topics - IrishBandit

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Maps Area / Map Dump
« on: 12 Mar, 2011 20:55 »
Here's all the maps I've made since CG was CG and not CTC in no particular order:

Floating cubes connected by ramps, was going to be a series of maps spanning CSS, TTT and ZPS.

Actually made for TTT but witha  de_ designation, would've worked as a CSS map with some tweaks.

de_gulag's successor, made with better mapping skills and TTT layout.

A ConjointGaming Meeting room fit with lobby, giant meeting table, server room, and indoor pool. Not built for actual gameplay.

A large cliffed in area with multiple bunkers and a nuclear silo, displacements and a dryspell of ideas killed this one.

A hostage map built for CSS using a Minecraft style and textures. Features a button.

If people REALLY want download links I will amke them, but as of now nobody gives a fuck about mapping so yea, theres all my work.

Fun Fact: only the first two have actually been played on.

General Gaming Talk / Civilization V
« on: 07 Jan, 2011 23:30 »

Time is now gone.

Maps Area / ttt_gulag Redux Redo
« on: 07 Jan, 2011 23:26 »

What server are you applying for: Zombie Master

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Nope

In game name: IrishBandit

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12663326

Do you have past admin experience: I admined servers on a game called Blockland

What are some good qualities you possess: I am not stupid and I am reasonable and can be active.

What country are you from: USA

Age: 15

Additional notes: I know that my last app was denied, but that was for TTT, which is a lot harder to admin than ZM. I know that I do not have a mic, but I think that I can be an effective admin without one.

Maps Area / TTT_Snowbase
« on: 27 Nov, 2010 03:00 »

Maps Area / Some random test thing.
« on: 09 Nov, 2010 00:58 »

Maps Area / TTT Map ideas
« on: 23 Oct, 2010 15:48 »
Since I've discontinued Gulag, I'm wanting to make a new ttt map, I've got a few ideas with plans written down, and I wanted to see how you guys felt about them.

Secret nuclear silo, snow environment, large outside area with many inside and underground areas.
, possible Traitor/Detective objectives.

Roof of a highrise, roof and the floor under it accessible, areas under construction, possible other highrises accessed by discombob or crane.

A cuboid-like ttt map, set in a huge floating cube, mainly interior, easy fall deaths.

A floating island above the clouds, buildings on top, cave system down beneath. Would require advanced displacement knowledge and will take me a while to be able to do this with the current source engine.

Feel free to give suggestions.

Solved Ban Requests / Harper - Rdming - TTT*BANNED*
« on: 23 Oct, 2010 06:23 »
YOUR in game name EXACTLY!: IrishBandit

the exact name of the person you are requesting a ban at the time they were on the server: Harper

What were they doing: RDM x 3 and leave

Which server was it: Conjoint Gaming TTT

What time/day was it (include timezone if possible): 12:30 AM PST

Additional Notes: Harper Randomly killed Two innocents and the detective as an innocent, he then proceeded to insult me for calling him out on it and then left. His SteamID is STEAM_0:1:9830862

General Gaming Talk / Petition to ban the AWP
« on: 10 Oct, 2010 23:41 »
The AWP is the most annoying of weapons, loud ass noise when you fire, people using autoswitch scripts to reload faster, and it's a ONE HIT KILL to ANY part of the body, it's also PERFECTLY accurate if not moving.
Everyone who uses the AWP NEVER uses any other weapons other than their pistols, even then they try and quickscope you before actually using their pistol. I know that a lot of people say the AWP is balanced, but it's not. A lot a people want it banned. So, should it be banned(or restricted)?

Maps Area / de_cuboid
« on: 16 Sep, 2010 01:07 »
I thought up this idea some time ago and have now put it into a map,
This is a CONCEPT map, meaning that I'm just testing the idea and how the gameplay works on this kind of map, I have sent the link to Inject for adding to the server.

Solved Ban Requests / DoomKnight : RDMer, Teamkiller
« on: 29 Aug, 2010 06:31 »
YOUR in game name EXACTLY!: IrishBandit  (=CG=)

the exact name of the person you are requesting a ban at the time they were on the server: DoomKnight

What were they doing: RDMing as detective, RDMing as innocent, tking as detective

Which server was it: TTT

What time/day was it (include timezone if possible): it was at around 1:25 am PST, August 29

Additional Notes: I got his steamid(STEAM_0:0:8996978) and I recorded a demo of him rdming, I'll see about getting the demo into watchable form but I've never used the demo recorder. He also said he "just bought the game" when he has 1386.8 hrs on record.

What server are you applying for: CG TTT Server

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: DarkEmoKonata and RebelMaster

In game name: IrishBandit  (=CG=)

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12663326

Do you have past admin experience: I run servers on a game called Blockland

What are some good qualities you possess: I'm generally all about the hard facts, I'm not tolerate towards rulebreakers. I can be really nice or really mean if I need to. I don't really give a shit about swearing.

What country are you from: USA, California

Age: 15

Additional notes I'd love to be admin on the server, I play a fuckton of TTT on this server and have logged 3 days of gametime.

Maps Area / de_gulag (discontinued)
« on: 15 Jul, 2010 00:29 »

I have been working on a TTT map for some time and have finished alpha 1. It is called Gulag, It is designed in the style of a medieval dungeon, but retrofitted with modern technology. It has a load of cells, a large bombsite room, depressing hallways, two waterfalls, 4 custom textures, 3D skybox, cubemaps, and HDR. I am working on Optimization for Alpha 2.
   I will be going on a vacation for 2 weeks this Saturday,and will take the map with me, so if you have any suggestions give them here. I'd love to test this on the TTT server sometime, i need some feedback for it and what to add, if Wholegrain or another server owner wants to test it just PM me and I'll send you the download link and TTT file.

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