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Topics - Jorgen

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CG Community Suggestions / TTT crash
« on: 23 Nov, 2010 16:42 »
18:00 norwegian time or something

apparantly the map was apehouse, and some1 told me it uses to crash the server.
that is all.

The Art Forum / SEE THIS NOW!!!
« on: 17 Nov, 2010 09:35 »

Admin Department / MEETING NOW
« on: 13 Nov, 2010 14:11 »
I hereby say we need a meeting between the American admins, and the european admins.
to many rules are double edged depending on time of day, we need to unite and discuss several rules that we administrate differnently acording to the time it is administrated.

wholegrain and darkemo i'd request you help me see to this being done

General Gaming Talk / Tsj =)
« on: 16 Oct, 2010 19:52 »
so yeah, i just want you guys to see this and say what you think when i get done with it =)
me and some people have filmed our playtrough of the sacrifice, and when i get it upploaded probly on monday or something i want you guys to say what you all think. so yea that is all i guess

hope to get y'all laughing atleast alitle on monday =P it is not super funny seeing that it is mostly intern humour then an there XD also we say the N word about 4 times so yeah don't take it the wrong way XD

disclaimer: It is not commercial for CG, but i'll probly add a join CG at conjoint gaming down in the underbar thingy if y'all would like me 2 =)

General Gaming Talk / Dead Rising 2
« on: 27 Sep, 2010 14:31 »
so i managed to play my ass trough it now and you guys who havn't bought it but are gonna you're in for a treat =)

the weapons are amazing, the graphics are okey but you never notice the problems because you are drowning in a sea of mobs, storyline is not the best  but it is good enough, the fucking soundtrack IS AMAZING for those who like metal ;P

just thought i'd say if you are on the verge but not sure BUY IT!!!! =)

The Art Forum / waste of time = waste of time =D
« on: 18 Sep, 2010 22:22 »

General Gaming Talk / what a funny story
« on: 14 Sep, 2010 19:14 »
 i like the fact that black mesa has been compared to duke nukem forever (saying that it will never be released) then here comes duke nukem, now i can say at this rate duke nukem forever wil be released before black mesa source xD

my 2 cents =)

also keep in mind this was made for a steam chat so it seems rather oddfor a thread starter XD

Old Time Aways / meh comp..
« on: 04 Sep, 2010 07:31 »
- computer is striking out, i am either going to buy a new one, or i will fix this craptop (something that is unlikely) so i might end upp having to wait for next month to get enough money for it, so i might be away for 1 month or so, we will have to see if i can get some down payment thing going.

- might be on steam and the forums meanwhile, doubting that i will play alot of gmod or so forth.

- oh side note PENIS!!!!

CG Community Suggestions / crash
« on: 31 Aug, 2010 11:43 »
server crashed today at i dunno like 13:40 norwegian time.
was not there was in school.

map: wintermansion acording to 3rd person info.

fix it damnit

Old Time Aways / swedish swim suite models
« on: 15 Jul, 2010 10:45 »

Time you are leaving: tomorrow

In Which server you are admin on: CG TTT server =P

Additional Comments:
well now it is time for me to leave for sweden =) gonna be there for 2 weeks, me and a friend going to roam the streets of stockholm and stuff =P so yeah have fun people and try to maintain the TTTserver for me =P

« on: 13 Jul, 2010 15:43 »
What server are you applying for: CG TTT server

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Well I guess there is no reason to state the names for me or?

In game name: [-OS-]kleenex/jorgen

Link to your steam page: lol really i do not know where to find this shitty link anymore

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12927622

Do you have past admin experience: CG server, POD server and priveleged on KAT server.

What are some good qualities you possess: same as the last time-.- I do not lack of judgement, i actually try to follow what every1 does at every time and I am not biased.

What country are you from:Norway.... obviously

Age: 18

Additional notes: i thought i would help you people alitle, yet i do not wish this to become like the zps server where I get called on all the fricking time please do not ask me to fix things after fun nights or shit like that because that seriously ruined zps for me, with that said i do not wish anything more than regular admin, i just want to maintain a sertain level of order. That and I might as well serve as an admin with my online friends =)
oh yeah right, i might need a litle refreshing in ULX admin commands =) i bet penguin will help me there so not that much of a problem i guess.

The Art Forum / MMMMM i am the same way
« on: 07 Jul, 2010 12:24 »

The Art Forum / Jorgen and death's song lyrics
« on: 11 Mar, 2010 13:00 »
dawn of a new day - in flames
The thoughts from yesterday forgotten
I like the way this new skin feels
Bring me splinters of tomorrow
Collect the parts where I win

Against the grain
Against the odds
I'll rise and I won't trip again
The dawn of a new day never looked
As good as this

Concrete breath and dust filled tears
A one way ride to inner peace
I never thought I'd join the others
Those who use the dice to solve

Against the grain
Against the odds
I'll rise and I won't trip again

Against the grain
Against the odds
I'll rise and I won't trip again
The dawn of a new day never looked
As good as this

Against the grain
Against the odds
I'll rise and I won't trip again

Against the grain
Against the odds
I'll rise, I'll rise, I'll rise

Against the grain
Against the odds

Against the grain
Against the odds
I'll rise and I won't trip again

Against the grain
Against the odds

Against the grain
Against the odds

Against the grain
Against the odds

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