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Topics - Pillz

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Minecraft / The 1.8 update!
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:42:19 PM »
Since the update came out this morning, I've been exploring the world non stop.

So, they've introduced/modified/madeifiedified the whole biome system, which I've noticed randomly generates as you travel... sometimes putting deserts right next to oceans and forests..

I know there's swamp, forest, rainforest, dessert, plains, mountain, tundra, and so on.. I've also noticed massive fucking oceans. Like seriously massive oceans that take like 6-10 minutes to reach the other side of, Idunno if that was there before or not. I'm wondering if "ocean" is a biome itself. It's insane how much shit there was under water, like whole ravines and mountains I could see but can't get to. I'm pretty sure I saw like 2x2 collumns under water too, almost reaching the surface from the deepest parts, which really confused me.. Is there ore down there? Why would the game generate so much inaccessible shit, and have it go on for so long?

Here's a picture of the first ravine I saw.

No water, with mobs at the bottom. I'm guessing it's under 7 darkness down there so they can spawn freely.

Then another, with a river at the bottom.

EDIT: Underground cavern ravine thingy with lava.

When I first saw this I was like WOOOOAAAAAAAAAHHH. I've found entire canyons like this underground too, I just kept digging and eventually I picked a hole in the wall, and there was light inside. I take out two more blocks and I step into this dimly lit cavern that goes on seemingly forever. There was coal and iron all over the walls, and when I went to the bottom there was obsidian, redstone and that blue shit AZREALLUPINIS, scattered near the bottom. It blew my mind.

Anyone experience a NPC village yet? I sailed on my boat for an hour across the ocean looking for one, and ran all over the place, nothing yet. I haven't found the mineshafts yet either, just massive ammounts of cavities under ground.


Zombie Panic: Source / Servers Down
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:36:03 AM »
Fix please. God knows how long it's been offline, but yeah, I've been waiting all day at work to play and now I can't. QQ

Zombie Panic: Source / Perma-mute Plx
« on: July 10, 2011, 05:19:46 AM »
It's rather annoying not to have, some repeat offenders like good ole' konata izumi need to be pmuted, and I miss having it. I don't expect it to get installed anytime soon, just, yeah, let's get it one day.

CG Community Suggestions / Locking and Moving Suggestion
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:50:14 AM »
Just an idea on that topic. How about instead of locking or moving a thread on your own, CL's, first you message or talk to the thread starter, asking them if they could please lock their thread or have it moved, and explain why. The said person could then argue why they may or may not want to lock it or move it, or if they agree to lock it like they probably should, they have their own chance to lock it, explaining why they are doing so to the community, or even debate it first, or get the thread back on track. Same thing for moving. If it takes more than a day or two for the OP to respond to a message about a lock or move then perhaps we could then do it anyway, with the possible chance of moving it back if it's an issue I suppose.

Some threads could be excluded, for example, applications and the such.

The Art Forum / RAVES
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:19:24 PM »

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mhgXYf7_jY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mhgXYf7_jY</a>

If you look closely at the cage on the right, you can see my friend Jeannie in the cage,
on the left side in the bikini top, I was taking a breather by the entrance.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5dgOCwbXoI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5dgOCwbXoI</a>

And here's the dance circle, it's a little dark but it looks cool and you can see one of the black guys. lol

So I went to one last night downtown at the Hat Factory, that shit was pretty epic. At first nobody was on the floor, but like 15 minutes later everyone filled it up, there was a dance off between some black guys and a dude that worked there.. then the dancing ensued.

All everyone was doing was just grinding against girls, that's all it was. I grinded against Panda's ass for like, 2 hours straight to a shit of songs, occasionally switching off with drunk girls that bumped into me. SHIT WAS EPIC. Needs less sobriety next time, some rolls would be nice.. >.>

Oh and this was my first one, I've been wanting to go forever, and it was worth it.. There was the most amazing Lion king remix, starting how the lion king starts, with AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, ZABINYAAA, BADABABOOSHBICAAAA. Then it dropped, and was some tribal vocal remix of the african lyrics, jesus fucking christ it was epic.

Except paying 12 dollars for two monsters, that was BS.

ANYWAY, who else has been to a rave? What's it like, and GOT PICS?

« on: June 22, 2011, 05:27:19 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpBHsAFMyow" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpBHsAFMyow</a>

Redrop button helps.

This guy is sweet though, with other songs, includinggggg.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU75uz0b8EU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU75uz0b8EU</a>


Just sayin.

Solved Applications / Pillz's ZPS App *APPROVED?*
« on: June 17, 2011, 01:23:34 PM »
What server are you applying for: I dunno. Probably the ZPS one.

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Not entirely.

In game name: Pillz

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pillzxcrashed/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15813710

Do you have past admin experience: Only a whole lot.

Why you wish to be admin: Because I play ZPS again, and there are like, 4 admins. I'd like to mute the spammers, and kick/gag/ban/etc those who deserve it.

What are some good qualities you possess: I'm charming, friendly, and a nice person.

What country are you from: Murica.

Age: 18.

Additional notes: Kthnx.

Debate Forum / ADHD
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:51:26 AM »
I probably made a thread already somewhere about this, but it's been a while.

Here are points I'd like to discuss.

1) The possibility medication for ADHD, Adderall, Ritalin, Stratera, etc, makes you more intelligent, after taking it for years and years. Not just the medication, the effect it has on your brain, allowing you to think more, and for longer, without feeling the urge to do anything else. The only reason I believe this, is most people I knew who were diagnosed with ADHD and took meds, had higher IQ's and shit than average.. like me and a few of my friends. Not sure though.

2) Does the medication, cause you to continue having ADHD? You stop taking it, you'll be really hyper. Insulin withdrawals and shit cause you to become retarded hungry and you become crazy insane hyper. That's how I got the name pillz. When I was on my medication, I was boring, when I was off them, I was crazy. Crazy me was Pillz and normal me was just Jacob. Backwards, but yeah.

3) Does being on ADHD Meds change you completely? I really don't even know this one, who the hell knows how I would of been without it..

4) Would you medicate your children in the future? If they were insanely crazy and you had the opportunity to?

I have a one take video on youtube about my experiences on it, I'll post it later thoughh~

Debate Forum / Intelligence/Wisdom/Idk?
« on: May 24, 2011, 11:27:13 PM »
I'm not really sure what a good title would be..

I'll just start writing.

People are simply a collective of their experiences, their experiences affect what they know, how they act, how not to act, who to trust, how to drive, how to play games, how to- Yeah.

So, our intelligence, is a result of our experiences also. For example, I believe my 10-12 years of being on adderal, coming home from school and being able to stare at the wall for hours on end, just sitting there, thinking. Other people have other reasons, but then you come across people who tell you they're smart, and other people think they're smart, yet you don't think so. Usually this is result of a negative disposition or something, but mainly because you don't fully understand them. This probably sounds hypocritical of me, it's a recent thought development though.. but recently I was thinking, perhaps we're all our own kind of intelligent.

Like I said, we're a collective of our experiences, we work with and get along with people who've had similar experiences. For example, the rich dislike the poor, and like the rich. The poor dislike the rich, and hang out with the poor. Yeah that's a big derp, but it's a valid example. Regardless, so you can only know, what you know. People often revere others as stupid, because they didn't know something they did. That just fucking happens. Once you learn it, you know it. You're good, you can't help you didn't know it before.

You learn every day and as life goes on, your wisdom grows more and more. I'm starting to wonder if wisdom is all that matters. I used to just assume everyone knew this and that, street smarts, but not everyone has high intelligence. This is still true, with really dumb people, but usually, we only assume people we don't really know to be dumb. If you sat down and talked with them for a while, your opinion might change. You can only see intelligence in someone if you're looking for it, if you hate them, you probably will assume their really an idiot, etc.

Everyone is different, and we get mad when people believe completely different things, seemingly incorrect things. Kind of like how other cultures have different rights and wrongs, we're very diverse across the world these days and we have to be more tolerant.. and I know this probably sounds weird coming from me, since I'm usually so blunt here, but I am IRL, I just come off as friendly and funny in person, not angry and mean, so you can take it easier and I'm understanding, and never come off like I want to fight, you know? Anyway, yeah. I think this is enough.

OPINIONS? THOUGHTS? I've been pondering on this whole thing for a while, and just wanted to throw it up somewhere. Yeah it's kinda a common sense thing, but compared to I WAS BORN TO BE THIS WAY, it's a fucking revolution, so yeah. DISCUSS.

General Gaming Talk / Sonic Generations
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:10:31 PM »
Sonic Generations

Sonic like we've always dreamed. Videos are like 3 weeks old tops.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV1Osnkr5Nc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV1Osnkr5Nc</a>

Classic Sonic Gameplay- Everything's 3D but it's got the original 2D side scroller feel and pace.

Or 3D Sonic with the behind sonic view and MODERN SONIC REACHING SPEEDS OF 20000000

Solved Admin Abuse / Wholegrain Admin Abuse
« on: May 01, 2011, 12:51:47 AM »
Name of player reporting abuse: some asshole

Admin who is suspected of the abuse:
Wholegrain the great

In which server did the abuse ocurr?:
The forums.

What ocurred, occurred, what did the abuse consist of: Wholegrain modded my post to say because he wanted to make the world a better place! Then he got had sex with me for it!  It is so cool that he would go out of his way to mod my post.

What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too):
It happened on the faithful day of to. At about 10:07PM EST.

Additional comments: This guy has mad swag and we need to kick him out of cg before all the boats and hoes crash into us

Here's a quote for justice!

I'm curious, which ones do you think are friendly?

not you lol



not like i changed it around or anything..... << He even practically admits it!

The Art Forum / Portal 2 Comic: Lab Rat
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:04:14 PM »
I'm sure a few of you have read this and it may even of been posted somewhere, who knows. Regardless, here it is for anyone who hasn't read it. It's the perspective of the Rattman who scribbles things on the wall on the run from GLaDOs.. and leads up to the end of everything, where only the 100 years or so till P2 takes place.. It's really cool. Rattman's like a schizo and everything, the companion cube is like his conscious and it's the second lead role pretty much.<3 I remember it even foreshadowing something about Wheatley I heard, too.. GLaDOs's humor isn't as funny in text but you can imagine her voice for most of what she says.. EVERYONE WILL ENJOY THIS I BELIEVE.



The Art Forum / WARPAINT
« on: April 23, 2011, 01:07:39 PM »

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkqbY0oGKQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkqbY0oGKQ</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf_0Wapy3rI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf_0Wapy3rI</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHkP9zRyD88" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHkP9zRyD88</a>

Debate Forum / Admin Age
« on: April 01, 2011, 05:36:35 PM »
Why is it limited to 15? There's probably another thread about this somewhere but fuck it.

IMO age is irrelevant. Some of the older people are complete idiots and immature. 10 would definitely be to young, but Deadly Kisses was 11 I believe and she was an excellent admin.

Perhaps on TTT it should be limited only, just because of the high traffic of players and trolls. If someone is 14 and applying, their age shouldn't be a deterrent. What would another year of being alive do for them as an admin? Not much.

« on: March 31, 2011, 03:56:25 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Qyq8xnJ7Y" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Qyq8xnJ7Y</a>

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