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Messages - Mindtrixx

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General Gaming Talk / Re: Killzone 3
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:48:01 PM »
As all decent gamers know, KILLZONE 3 is coming out soon!!!!!

pre-ordered it back at xmas

Old Time Aways / Re: DARK EMO RETURNS
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:50:14 PM »
I got a working computer now. Currently installing everything. See you guys soon.
damnit, leave some more i your gonna steal blood away D:

Maps Area / Re: Treasure map.
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:08:30 PM »
you have to go north past the rocky cliffs of some dumb fuck
then you go east to the destroyed ship of this person can't control a ship and so it crashed


your treasure is there BUT WAIT THE X SAYS IT'S IN THIS SPOT

i lol'd

Minecraft / Re: Up today
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:29:22 AM »
Can we join now can we, is it still the same ip HUH HUH

Pokes pokes, hopefully I can join this shit, otherwise ill buttfuck every single !@#$ of you!


have nice day
finnie the server is a lie.

Maps Area / Treasure map.
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:28:23 AM »

Help guys i have no idea where this start with this, btw if it helps im land locked.

Debate Forum / Re: Are you offended by the word ****got?
« on: February 03, 2011, 08:25:06 PM »
Really dude? your a dick.
No, I'm not. I'm simply stating the truth. Wholegrain should stop letting the community decide on whether or not they find the word offensive.

You might hate the word, but the someone like Kwaurtz will come around and call his friends a ****got just because he can. It's not the fact that I'm trying to be a prick, it's the fact that if it was up to us, we'd probably fuck up the entire community.

I don't take offense to it unless someone uses it in an offensive way, therefore I could care less.
But Someone who will take it to the next level and despises anyone who even thinks about saying it will be offended... You have to think about the community as a whole, and try not to be selfish in the process. "Well, I really like using the word...we might as well keep it". No, you can't do that... It's not fair and Heaven forbid if you need to have a word taken away in order to keep the community together.
YOU CONTRIDICTED YOURSELF SIR! "Wholegrain should stop letting the community decide on whether or not they find the word offensive." and then you said "You have to think about the community as a whole, and try not to be selfish in the process."

The community voted no, meaning its not just me being selfish. Thinking about the community is why i made this.

 You are not making sense dude.

Debate Forum / Re: Are you offended by the word ****got?
« on: February 03, 2011, 08:04:36 PM »

1 The problem with that is that it isn't something horrible. Its only horrible because we as a society perpetuate it and make it horrible. Its merely a word, it doesn't have any more meaning than you put into it. Its like, if we started to make 'Doody shitballs mclongcock' into something terrible like that, it would get black listed because 'its a terrible word'.

2. I'd rather be a community of well spoken individuals who can express themselves freely without having to deal with the dilemma of censorship. Thats a much more friendly community, one where you can post what you wanna say, when you wanna say, rather than having to watch your p's and q's because it may not be 'nice'.

1. The internet (our means of communication) is using it as a slur for gays. We are calling them gay to be offensive. That is how it became an insult, thus, it is what we (the internet community) have put into the word. You may use it differently, but meaning is 25% of how it comes across. The other 75% is how the received understand the word.

2. If you are well spoken don't you already avoid words that are insulting? All the well spoked people I know don't even say shit. They don't have to mind their p's and q's because they do it without thought. Makes sense that we should have rules on what cannot be said, for those who are not as well spoken. Also, this is the internet and a "friendly" community. We need something to maintain that friendly image. If we say no censorship, what separates us from 4chan? Our name... but people would be able to post as they pleased.

Personally: I think the word is annoying, not offensive. It's just another insult to me, but I know it offends a lot of homosexuals.
lies, you cannot know what goes on in other people's heads.

 Anyways again i would like a censorship toggle cuase some people dont think its a problem and with this forced censorship i feel like im having my choices cut.
Go gain 190lbs and let someone call you a Fat fuck who does nothing but waste space and tell me if you don't get offended by that...

Wholegrain needs to stop letting the community decide what's right and wrong. Whatever he sees fit works better than all of you whining trying to see who can come up with a better excuse on why the term f*gg*t isn't offensive.

Take your ignorant platitudes somewhere else.

The word, in essence, is a SOUND. It's all about how you perceive the verbal transmission. You can regard it as invective and be offended by it, or you could interpret it as the onomatopoeic representation of your dick slapping a hard surface.

Honesty, guys; some people in the LGBT community utilize this word. Colloquialism, not slander.

Hey now, watch where you throw those mighty big words around, you might offend someone who doesn't know the meaning of them.
Really dude? your a dick.

Debate Forum / Re: Are you offended by the word ****got?
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:02:13 PM »

1 The problem with that is that it isn't something horrible. Its only horrible because we as a society perpetuate it and make it horrible. Its merely a word, it doesn't have any more meaning than you put into it. Its like, if we started to make 'Doody shitballs mclongcock' into something terrible like that, it would get black listed because 'its a terrible word'.

2. I'd rather be a community of well spoken individuals who can express themselves freely without having to deal with the dilemma of censorship. Thats a much more friendly community, one where you can post what you wanna say, when you wanna say, rather than having to watch your p's and q's because it may not be 'nice'.

1. The internet (our means of communication) is using it as a slur for gays. We are calling them gay to be offensive. That is how it became an insult, thus, it is what we (the internet community) have put into the word. You may use it differently, but meaning is 25% of how it comes across. The other 75% is how the received understand the word.

2. If you are well spoken don't you already avoid words that are insulting? All the well spoked people I know don't even say shit. They don't have to mind their p's and q's because they do it without thought. Makes sense that we should have rules on what cannot be said, for those who are not as well spoken. Also, this is the internet and a "friendly" community. We need something to maintain that friendly image. If we say no censorship, what separates us from 4chan? Our name... but people would be able to post as they pleased.

Personally: I think the word is annoying, not offensive. It's just another insult to me, but I know it offends a lot of homosexuals.
lies, you cannot know what goes on in other people's heads.

 Anyways again i would like a censorship toggle cuase some people dont think its a problem and with this forced censorship i feel like im having my choices cut.

Debate Forum / Are you offended by the word ****got?
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:19:05 AM »
Btw this is a serious topic thingy dont be an ass and say yes or no 'for the lolz' THINK ABOUT IT.

i made this becuz of the censorship topic thingy, to see if anyone is actually offended by this. Also i was thinking of toggle for the censorship. :\

Way Off Topic Box / Re: FORUM GAME
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:07:45 AM »

<wishs he had a russian acent

v wishs he wasent a homosex feyg

General Gaming Talk / Re: Dystopia, have you played it?
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:04:03 AM »
Sure thing ghast. add me (towersheep) that's my steam

Way Off Topic Box / Re: Post a picture of your self here because....
« on: February 01, 2011, 04:45:57 AM »

 yeah crap pic

Solved Ban Appeals / Re: RP
« on: January 31, 2011, 04:30:50 PM »
Can I haz some moneyz? seriusly wtf how do you guys have that much money?
random events where i find 300k in a fridge.

General Gaming Talk / Re: Pros and Cons of CG DarkRP
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:16:37 AM »
Perhaps some admins need to be given their powers.
Yeah that would be nice.

Solved Applications / Re: Alzine's Rediculous RP app.
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:13:20 AM »
What server are you applying for: Rp

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Mindtrixx

In game name: (=CG=) Alzine

Link to your steam page:  http://steamcommunity.com/id/alzine

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:33126568 

Do you have past admin experience: I do, but do to circumstances, i do not believe it should be counted in this application.

What are some good qualities you possess: I love you all... and i really like the RP server as of now.  drugnerd

What country are you from: USA (in my heart, Canada)

Age: 16- 17 in like a month

Additional notes: I realize in the past i was somewhat unreliable, but i would realy like to make up for it. Sadly do to school and my new puppy, i won't me able to be on till lateish at night on weekdays, and it will vary on weekends. (i figured i should make this known before hand)

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