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CG Administration Section => Ban Appeal => Solved Ban Appeals => Topic started by: Shade on January 14, 2012, 03:31:37 AM

Title: Ban Appeal
Post by: Shade on January 14, 2012, 03:31:37 AM
Who were you banned by: Waffulls

Why were you banned:Sexism/RevengeRDM/AdminDisrespect

What server where you banned from:CG TTT

What date and/or time around were you banned:01-06-12 23:34

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:27264961

Your in game name:Amazing Pimp Limp

Link to your steam page:

Additional comments:Dear Admins
I am sending you this request to have several issues that I wish to resolve For the longest time I have had no problems with your server or any of its admins and I have never been banned, muted/gagged but about maybe 30 min ago an admin using the nickname of Sandwich Police at first I thought she was a he and the she had a high pitched voice and was joking around about being a girl so I made the comment "Make me a sandwich" She then went on to say that is sexist and I was muted now that I have read the rules I under stand why but, that is not my main concern she then muted several others on the basis of sexism. Which I believe wouldn't have been a problem if the rules where in a MOTD but when other players started to complain about our mutes they where muted as well then in text chat we where still trying to argue are point of that yes we understand she is a female and that yes she has rights but we believe she is abusing her status as a women to do what she pleases and mute any one who disagrees with her. she started muting people because of us questioning her logic in killing some of us with little to no  evidence which we do to every one but she made it seem like we where saying because of her sex but some of the admins un-muted us and she re-muted me and one other then she gagged me with the reason of continued sexism and then after that I will admit I RDMed her but in my ban notice it said revenge RDM which shows that in order for it to be revenge she would have had to RDM me first but when I was banned I was given no prior warning and RDM is only a Slay not a Ban and after I was banned I was informed by another person also playing the he was Slain for supporting "sexism" which is not a legitimate reason for a slay. I am not sexist I believe in equal rights for woman my greatest role model is my grandma and woman are no different from men. But Admins please here me when I say she is not able to take A small joke and then abuses her powers to do what she wants without any "harassment" I am not only doing this for my self but for my other players I would Like to be un-banned and maybe some day become an admin to enforce the rules in a fair and equal way for all players regardless of Race,Sex,or religion. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope you consider what I say.

          Fellow Gamer
          John B./Shade/Vefersniptrin/Amazing Pimp Limp.

P.S I Have always respected admins.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Sejo Mino on January 14, 2012, 04:02:12 AM
Well will have 2 wait for the Admin who banned you and the HA's decision on what will be done in this circumstance. Other then that. idk.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Blackllama on January 14, 2012, 04:08:00 AM
Alright, I believe I was there when it happened.  First of all, in the motd, it says

3. Treat everybody with courtesy and respect.

Second of all, telling someone to make you a sandwhich is sexism.  She wasn't muting people for disagreeing with her, she was muting them for being sexist.  You RDMed her for muting/gagging you.  That's revenge RDM.  You've pretty much admitted to both sexism and revenge RDM in your post and this doesn't look like an  apology, so I don't exactly know where to go from here.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Waffuls the Huntress on January 14, 2012, 04:08:11 AM
Jesus Christ, why no periods. TBH, I (literally) can't read that.

Okay. Let me explain to you why you are perma-banned.

There was a kid singing into the mic, and after two warnings, I muted him. A few minutes after, I accidentally held down my own mic, and sang what I was singing to Tendovvi at the time (we Skype). It was a total accident, and I caught myself. Tendovvi then told me that you were planning on having me RDM'd, and that you were planning to harass me with a few others (he was dead at the time and heard you talking in dead chat). As I died, YOU GOT THE ENTIRE SERVER TO SAY SEXIST THINGS AGAINST ME. You bitched about how I was a "woman abusing power," and how I had RDM'd you WHEN I HAD SAID MULTIPLE TIMES THAT I WAS SORRY AND WAS GOING TO SLAY MYSELF (which, I did slay myself the next round.). I had to mute EVERYONE just so I could deal with the shit. You, your three friends, the kid I muted (who was typing), and several others were doing this. I unmuted, and you fought me, continuing with the harassment, so I muted, then had to gag. Next map, same shit. On Roy, you and your friends were again saying more sexist things towards me, saying it wasn't anything personal, just "joking." You said "I have many female friends who aren't total bitches like you that take everything personally and can actually take a joke. When I say 'get in the kitchen bitch and make me a sandwich,' they laugh at it." I wouldn't be so offended, if you weren't going above and beyond that, having people RDM me and harass me. After I muted/gagged you, you friends started to fight me on it. "Why was he gagged, why was he muted? It was nothing against you." Then, you started to follow me round after round, and finally when I was a T and you were a D, you shot me 52 seconds into the round after following me constantly and did not ID the body. After that, I was done with the harassment and p-banned. And of course, soon your friends were bitching about it acting like you had done nothing wrong.

I applaud you sir, for being so in the dark about the own crime you've committed. It must be frustrating to lose your own game and prove to everyone that you are a really bad actor.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Shade on January 14, 2012, 04:52:09 AM
I would like to point out several inaccuracies with what you said first of all yes some of the people there are my friends on steam but they added me after the entire ordeal. Second that I never said "Bitch make me a sandwich".
I never asked any one to RDM you or harass you there is no proof of it other wise if i said any thing of the sort it was in a joking matter not trying to imply it should be done.
Also about the last round where I killed you I didn't ID your body because I was messaging Blackllama. Also no crimes where committed. Also you lost the game (insert troll face here). And a bad actor I wasn't aware we where acting if so you are a very good actor for making yourself believe you are a fair admin.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Waffuls the Huntress on January 14, 2012, 04:58:13 AM
Messaging Blackllama = Killing me after I gagged/muted you then running off the boat? That's messaging right there.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Shade on January 14, 2012, 05:00:20 AM
Again your statement is invalid I have the video File Saved that will clearly show what you just said is incorrect.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Blackllama on January 14, 2012, 05:16:34 AM
I was in the server when it happened, waffuls is telling the truth, you got the server wound up and people were throwing sexist comments all over the place.

Also, if you have a vid of it happening, please post it.  It will show exactly what she's talking about.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Pancake Of Doom on January 14, 2012, 05:36:17 AM
I arrived just as she banned you, and yes you riled up the entire server. I'm all for the ban, it was well deserved.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Wholegrain on January 14, 2012, 06:24:51 AM
Again your statement is invalid I have the video File Saved that will clearly show what you just said is incorrect.

put it up
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!) on January 14, 2012, 12:05:20 PM
Although I was not present at the time, I have heard similar things before. If you kill an admin for punishing you it is considered revenge rdm. That there is a week ban. Sexism, is a mute and or gag. If you continue to do this after you have been muted and warned you can and will be permanantly muted and or gagged. So even if you were unbanned you would have no form of comunication besides suit zoom.

The ban should stay according to the conviction giving by the word of three admins.

The only way you can prevent this is with the video which from what I've read will most likely doom your case.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: Tendovvi on January 14, 2012, 03:01:01 PM
This guy was actin like a total asshole. I say let the ban stay
Title: Re: Ban Appeal
Post by: TowerSheep on January 16, 2012, 06:18:23 PM
Guess my post on this didn't go through. Watch this:
Reason: Sexism, Admin Disrespect, Revenge RDM
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