Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

CG Gaming Section => General Gaming Talk => Topic started by: Whitellama on August 12, 2011, 03:20:08 AM

Title: Dwarf Fortress
Post by: Whitellama on August 12, 2011, 03:20:08 AM
So after trying and failing quite a while ago, I've just recently gotten into this game, that I don't think anyone's discussed around here in the past. The game is Dwarf Fortress ( The point of Dwarf Fortress is to try and manage to turn your seven useless, lazy dwarves, into a thriving fortress built into the side of the mountain, or a hole in the ground. It is literally the most complex, puzzling game I've ever played. I'm serious. The graphics for this, are a variety of ASCII characters, with a variety of colors and backgrounds. If you're not dedicated to learn just what each tile means, it's better you pick up a much nicer looking tileset, or better, The Lazy Newb Pack ( Also, you'll probably smash your monitor in frustration, if you don't read the wiki (

I won't go too deep into detail, because there's a lot of detail to cover. I've given you the links, in hopes that after you guys get a few fortresses in, anyone would be interested in a few Bloodline/Succession Games (, which involves passing the save file for a fortress in between players in a zero-collaboration matter. The idea is that one player spends his in-game-year doing one thing, and the next can expand on that, or do something completely different. Boatmurdered (, is famously one of the best, most horrifying succession game ever played. It's 65 pages long, but I believe the reading was worth it. It's also a way to learn what to do, and what not to do, when you get into the deep of running a fortress. Well actually, mostly what not to do.

Anyways, has anyone played this before? I think the game is really cool, as it's the only thing I've seen in which a mother can give birth in the midst of battle, have her dominant hand cut off, and throw her newborn baby as a weapon. Another example is when a dwarf is stabbed in the stomach, but he sews himself back together. This particular dwarf, is displayed with a red ~ symbol following his character, because he forgot to put his organs back inside. Another interesting aspect, is the way serious trauma affects your dwarves. For example, in Boatmurdered, the fortress was plagued with attacks of vicious elephants, so they built emergency floodgates, built to burn every living creature, plant, and tree, with magma. The elves were pissed, many dwarves burned, and it never solved the elephant problem, but that's not the point. The point is, dwarves trained to engrave walls, would engrave one of three things: An elephant striking down a dwarf. A dwarf screaming. A dwarf burning (or maybe a cat burning, there was this dwarf obsessed with it's cats). Exploring the abandoned rendition of that fortress in adventure mode (, reveals that literally every screaming, burning, and elephant stomping, was tied in to the death of a certain dwarf. Many committed suicide, jumping into the river.

Anyways, that's all I have to say right now. Enjoy.
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