Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

CG Administration Section => Ban Appeal => Solved Ban Appeals => Topic started by: malak97 on July 07, 2011, 05:29:15 PM

Title: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 07, 2011, 05:29:15 PM
Who were you banned by:towersheep

Why were you banned: <700 karma

What server where you banned from:ttt

What date and/or time around were you banned:2:17 EST

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:20833979

Your in game name:{69th} Cdt. Malak[RS]

Link to your steam page:

Additional comments: tower kept getting innos to shoot at me for no reason when he was a traitor so i had to defend my self i had to kill grasscopper and one other guy and then this one inno was shooting at us so i shot him in the head cause he killed tendovvi after tower said we were proven inno this is really unfair as it is not my fault for have <700 karma because tower had people try and kill me and one person was trying to rdm that is what happened then i try to tell tower in game and he just ignores my reasons this is really unfair
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Finniespin on July 07, 2011, 05:40:45 PM
If you've seen it. Why don't you have proof of it happening.

Like ttt_print_damagelog that they shot first.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Jorgen on July 07, 2011, 05:54:48 PM
did this happen in 1 round or did he do this more than 1 round.
Because if you target the same guy more than once then that is not cool as an admin, I am just puting that out there tower.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 07, 2011, 05:57:15 PM
he did it for 3 rounds straight except the round that me and him were traitors he kept telling them i was a traitor and jorgen i didnt know that command because i dont usually have to kill innos unless they try to rdm me
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: artixloktar on July 07, 2011, 06:27:00 PM
Tower did say on the other post that he was carma banned because he got innos to shoot him, there is what you asked for finny, and yes i have been karma banned before too, for the same thing. Mal should be unbanned if you ask me. Simple as that :P
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: TowerSheep on July 07, 2011, 06:58:38 PM
Round 1: He and kitty were calling each other out. I assumed he was traitor when Kitty turned up inno.
Round 2: I was traitor and he was in Kitty's last words, hell yes I went along with it.
Round 3: I said don't trust him because people that were near to him just stop responding. Someone asked "KOS Malak?" and i said "No" about 3 times.

The round we were traitors (round 3) I said "I don't trust Malak" that is in no way a reason to kill you. You were killed by Vex'd and then he turned on me because we were together.

Also round 3 would not have caused him to loose karma because he was a traitor and didn't shoot any innos. I was asked to ban him after round 3, I said no. (Tendovvi asked).

I waited 3 rounds to allow his 680 karma to go above 700, in 2 rounds it sunk to 637. So in 2 rounds he went below 600 and I gave him time to get it to an acceptable level. 2 rounds later it sunk another 40 points. One of which he was a traitor.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Bjork on July 07, 2011, 07:01:23 PM
I personally think karma bans are stupid and unless they have been literally blasting people in the face because they aimed at them.

Its ruining one of the tactical parts of the game which is an area thats already been messed up.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: TowerSheep on July 07, 2011, 07:06:11 PM
I personally think karma bans are stupid and unless they have been literally blasting people in the face because they aimed at them.

Its ruining one of the tactical parts of the game which is an area thats already been messed up.

I think it should be back to <600. You have to try to get it that low.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Coreybush11 on July 07, 2011, 07:16:11 PM
I personally think karma bans are stupid and unless they have been literally blasting people in the face because they aimed at them.

Its ruining one of the tactical parts of the game which is an area thats already been messed up.

I think it should be back to <600. You have to try to get it that low.

Isn't it already like that?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 07, 2011, 07:22:14 PM
for one my karma never went below 600 and that last time i was T my karma was about to jit 700 but u banned me after i couldnt even tell you why i had it that low i was not rdming just to kill people i wasnt even rdming i had full reasons to kill them becuase they were acting traitorish and the one guy killed tendovvi
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: TowerSheep on July 07, 2011, 07:28:43 PM
Current rule < 700
Old rule < 600

I want the old rule back. Jorgen says it's 700.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 07, 2011, 07:30:37 PM
is there a chance i can be unbanned since i was just in self defence and i did kill 1 inno actually

edit: as a traitor i meen
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Sir Willis on July 07, 2011, 11:40:18 PM
I feel the karma ban rule is suggestive and should probably just be removed. it causes too many problems, and we usually ban people for RDMing before it even gets that low
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 07, 2011, 11:47:55 PM
guys please can we just end this entire thing im dieing to play some ttt i cant find any other good server please
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Ghast on July 08, 2011, 01:11:25 AM
hahaha Malak. I feel for you bro.

I don't see any other reason to keep him unbanned.
He actually took the time to make an appeal (which a lot of users wrongfully accused of RDM don't do) and all he wants is to play again (pretty desperately at that)

About Karma bans, I understand what you guys are saying. If traitors are manipulating innocents to kill each other, that is merely a component of the game and not inducing or perpetrating RDM (as an admin it may be hard to tell)
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 04:02:10 AM
i feel as if everyone has forgotten what the issue is here lol sorry not trying to rush anything its just at one point it was at why i should be unbanned then it turned into the karam bans being removed sorry if this sounds like im trying to rush anything which im not lol just saying my thoughts lol
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Hair Slut on July 08, 2011, 04:20:19 AM
i think it shouldbe investigated more, damage logs and all that, but keep the karma amount it as it is, if you are being attacked by innos just take it dont start firing back, there is always a next round if you dont get banned.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 04:56:31 AM
are u sayin i should stay banned?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Finniespin on July 08, 2011, 07:58:22 AM
He says, Don't fire back and you don't get banned. And you get to live a next round.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 01:16:05 PM
ah ok i get what he sayin now    so the ban stays?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Finniespin on July 08, 2011, 02:21:40 PM
That's up to Jorgen / Temporary Head Admin / Towersheep.

But surely you've must somewhat more wrong. Than only 3 rounds.
You must have made more than 5+ (team)kills to get you that far.

But I can't really tell. Because I don't have much evidence on it. ;)
So again it's up to Jorgen / Temporary Head Admin / Towersheep.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 06:56:18 PM
guys listen i know i have no evidence of those people shooting me first but they did i have been playing yalls server for about 3 months now and i dont lie im in 9th grade people who lie are immature i promise u i am not lieing about them shooting me first it was all in self defence im not going to just let people kill me
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Sir Willis on July 08, 2011, 07:17:18 PM
i dont lie im in 9th grade
tee hee, an oxymoron.

anyway, i say we unban him. if it happens again we can always ban him permanently, no if's, and's, or but's about it.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 07:23:26 PM
i agree with her if i get banned again just perma ban me and ill leave yall alone

and an oxymoron?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Monp on July 08, 2011, 07:31:50 PM
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Leomire on July 08, 2011, 08:02:58 PM
Leave the punishment I mean if his karma dropped from 670 to 632 when he was meant to get it up? How is that justifiable?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Sir Willis on July 08, 2011, 08:05:36 PM
i agree with her if i get banned again just perma ban me and ill leave yall alone

and an oxymoron?
I take it back, ban him forever. lol
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 08:15:15 PM
lol my bad ur pic looked like a girl lollolololol  parrot sorry well *HIM*
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Dinomoto on July 08, 2011, 08:35:56 PM
Leave the punishment I mean if his karma dropped from 670 to 632 when he was meant to get it up? How is that justifiable?
I agree with Leomire.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 08, 2011, 08:42:10 PM
my karma never dropped that low it went from  700 to 673 then thats when tower banned me
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Dinomoto on July 08, 2011, 09:07:57 PM
I waited 3 rounds to allow his 680 karma to go above 700, in 2 rounds it sunk to 637.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: furiousjello on July 09, 2011, 12:28:03 AM
It is one week, go outside, get some sun, and tell us how great real life is when your week ban is up. I could understand being this upset if it was a perma-ban, but a one week ban is really not that bad. Hell the first server I was ever admin on if you messed up more than once it was always a perma-ban and we had no forum to appeal the ban on, so you should really consider yourself lucky.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 12:44:12 AM
furious if u were me u would know why i stay on the computer all day ok? im just a 14 year old kid goin to high school when i live really far out into the country on a farm and have no friends to hang out with
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Waffuls the Huntress on July 09, 2011, 12:51:18 AM
Round 1: He and kitty were calling each other out. I assumed he was traitor when Kitty turned up inno.
Round 2: I was traitor and he was in Kitty's last words, hell yes I went along with it.
Round 3: I said don't trust him because people that were near to him just stop responding. Someone asked "KOS Malak?" and i said "No" about 3 times.

The round we were traitors (round 3) I said "I don't trust Malak" that is in no way a reason to kill you. You were killed by Vex'd and then he turned on me because we were together.

Also round 3 would not have caused him to loose karma because he was a traitor and didn't shoot any innos. I was asked to ban him after round 3, I said no. (Tendovvi asked).

I waited 3 rounds to allow his 680 karma to go above 700, in 2 rounds it sunk to 637. So in 2 rounds he went below 600 and I gave him time to get it to an acceptable level. 2 rounds later it sunk another 40 points. One of which he was a traitor.

Alright, I'm going to put in my two cents.

Two ways to spin this:
1. (Unban) Towersheep did call him out the first two times, but one was because of a misunderstanding, and the other because he was blamed by a T (which, I never slay for). The third time would be a slay on the person who said "KOS Malak," not Malak or Towersheep. Some people like to take things out of context. So, his karma dropping because of this is not ban-worthy, even though it was below 700. I've had misunderstanding and been blamed before, which my karma has spiked many times, but I always lay low, and even when someone is shooting at me or calling me out, I just let them kill me and have them in my last words so I don't take any more karma-hits. Now saying that, I'm moving on to the second way to spin this.
2. (Ban stays) I don't exactly understand what Towersheep was trying to say (he did not put a number for your karma), but I think it was under 600.. like 597? He did try to give you time to raise your karma, but yet somehow it continued to drop? Even on a T round you couldn't get it back up? From that, it seems as if you weren't being as careful as you should have been, knowing what your karma currently was. I can understand fire-fights and having a T walk into your knife or shot, but if you're cautious and paying attention, you can avoid that easily.

Now, considering what I said first (the karma not being ban-worthy), and looking at how little his karma dropped after Tower had given him a second chance, I don't think he should remain banned. Yes, his karma was low, but there was a reason for that. I don't have any logs or explanation as to why his karma continued to drop the other rounds. And looking at how little it was (40 points or so) over several rounds, I don't think it was anything serious. 1 RDM is like 60-100 karma (not too sure about this, but I know it's more than 40). Most likely some misfires or a fire-fight. So, please unban him.

To Malak: I would recommend being extremely careful if someone is calling you out. When someone calls me out, I ask why, and if it's a poor reason, I KOS them instead. Sometimes saying "if you kill me, you'll be taking a karma-hit" prevents people from killing you, but if they do shoot at you, don't shoot back (IF your karma is low) and leave last words. Also, be aware of your surroundings! NEVER knife a person when there are other T's around you or throw a semtex. Try to be careful when killing an innocent or a confirmed T around others, and always, always, always have a reason behind killing anyone when you aren't a T. If you notice your karma dropping fast, just kill yourself in console at the start of the round to be safe, or have an excellent T round for a karma boost.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Waffuls the Huntress on July 09, 2011, 12:52:13 AM
furious if u were me u would know why i stay on the computer all day ok? im just a 14 year old kid goin to high school when i live really far out into the country on a farm and have no friends to hang out with

That's okay, I don't have friends either. XD
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 12:56:35 AM
thank you waffles for sayin your thoughts by this ban i have learned to do as u said to do get them in last words that way right after i die they die but as u can see i was already being targeted and trying to argue out of being blamed for no reason i couldnt think becuase after 4 minutes of telling people tower was lieng it was getting frustrated and im not blaming anythin but when i get mad or anythin i cant think as well as i could not being lied upon because im sure like everyone here noone likes being lied on
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Dinomoto on July 09, 2011, 01:00:53 AM
thank you waffles for sayin your thoughts by this ban i have learned to do as u said to do get them in last words that way right after i die they die but as u can see i was already being targeted and trying to argue out of being blamed for no reason i couldnt think becuase after 4 minutes of telling people tower was lieng it was getting frustrated and im not blaming anythin but when i get mad or anythin i cant think as well as i could not being lied upon because im sure like everyone here noone likes being lied on

0_0 heard of periods? (full stops)
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 01:01:58 AM
what? do u meen by heard of periods?
i am a guy
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Dinomoto on July 09, 2011, 01:05:55 AM
Thats it!

*Puts on sunglasses and grabs his trusty shotgun*

Get back to school and learn grammar....bitch
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Leomire on July 09, 2011, 01:06:12 AM
furious if u were me u would know why i stay on the computer all day ok? im just a 14 year old kid goin to high school when i live really far out into the country on a farm and have no friends to hang out with

Good thing,
Stolen from emo :)
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Waffuls the Huntress on July 09, 2011, 02:01:07 AM
what? do u meen by heard of periods?
i am a guy

Roflmao. Period as in ".". Sentences that have an ending marked by a ".". Not the female menstrual cycle of periodically shooting oil out of her elbow and bones breaking and reshaping into the bone structure of the feared Succubus. Men, children, and other women alike are challenged during this phase and fed to the beast. All shall fail. All shall be feasted upon. Not even the chosen shall survive the monster that lies within. Not until after this curse has lifted does she return back to her normal state.. completely unaware of her past actions. You will lie in fear, having an angel sleeping soundlessly by you, her seductive curves and soft voice keeping you prisoner. For the next 28 days, she is sane. You are alive for now.

You might want to study your grammar, I learned that $#!t in 6th grade. Still study up on it occasionally. Just so you know, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand you, and it helps make you more trusting to others and formal. Also, a clear mind starts with good grammar (you can't possibly speak well if you can't even write a clear sentence). Buy some grammar books; they're relatively cheap and very helpful. And, if you don't want to keep them, send them to me. I'd love to have your addre.. I collect them.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Coreybush11 on July 09, 2011, 02:09:37 AM
what? do u meen by heard of periods?
i am a guy

Roflmao. Period as in ".". Sentences that have an ending marked by a ".". Not the female menstrual cycle of periodically shooting oil out of her elbow and bones breaking and reshaping into the bone structure of the feared Succubus. Men, children, and other women alike are challenged during this phase and fed to the beast. All shall fail. All shall be feasted upon. Not even the chosen shall survive the monster that lies within. Not until after this curse has lifted does she return back to her normal state.. completely unaware of her past actions. You will lie in fear, having an angel sleeping soundlessly by you, her seductive curves and soft voice keeping you prisoner. For the next 28 days, she is sane. You are alive for now.

You might want to study your grammar, I learned that $#!t in 6th grade. Still study up on it occasionally. Just so you know, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand you, and it helps make you more trusting to others and formal. Also, a clear mind starts with good grammar (you can't possibly speak well if you can't even write a clear sentence). Buy some grammar books; they're relatively cheap and very helpful. And, if you don't want to keep them, send them to me. I'd love to have your addre.. I collect them.

Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Yarou on July 09, 2011, 02:49:02 AM
what? do u meen by heard of periods?
i am a guy

Roflmao. Period as in ".". Sentences that have an ending marked by a ".". Not the female menstrual cycle of periodically shooting oil out of her elbow and bones breaking and reshaping into the bone structure of the feared Succubus. Men, children, and other women alike are challenged during this phase and fed to the beast. All shall fail. All shall be feasted upon. Not even the chosen shall survive the monster that lies within. Not until after this curse has lifted does she return back to her normal state.. completely unaware of her past actions. You will lie in fear, having an angel sleeping soundlessly by you, her seductive curves and soft voice keeping you prisoner. For the next 28 days, she is sane. You are alive for now.

You might want to study your grammar, I learned that $#!t in 6th grade. Still study up on it occasionally. Just so you know, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand you, and it helps make you more trusting to others and formal. Also, a clear mind starts with good grammar (you can't possibly speak well if you can't even write a clear sentence). Buy some grammar books; they're relatively cheap and very helpful. And, if you don't want to keep them, send them to me. I'd love to have your addre.. I collect them.

I uh.. i .. just...  serious?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 03:05:39 AM
lol we all got way off topic
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Pillz on July 09, 2011, 03:53:26 AM
what? do u meen by heard of periods?
i am a guy

Roflmao. Period as in ".". Sentences that have an ending marked by a ".". Not the female menstrual cycle of periodically shooting oil out of her elbow and bones breaking and reshaping into the bone structure of the feared Succubus. Men, children, and other women alike are challenged during this phase and fed to the beast. All shall fail. All shall be feasted upon. Not even the chosen shall survive the monster that lies within. Not until after this curse has lifted does she return back to her normal state.. completely unaware of her past actions. You will lie in fear, having an angel sleeping soundlessly by you, her seductive curves and soft voice keeping you prisoner. For the next 28 days, she is sane. You are alive for now.

You might want to study your grammar, I learned that $#!t in 6th grade. Still study up on it occasionally. Just so you know, it makes it a whole lot easier to understand you, and it helps make you more trusting to others and formal. Also, a clear mind starts with good grammar (you can't possibly speak well if you can't even write a clear sentence). Buy some grammar books; they're relatively cheap and very helpful. And, if you don't want to keep them, send them to me. I'd love to have your addre.. I collect them.

What, THE FUCK. Are you being serious? Watwat.

Also, I like getting lied on too.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 04:58:07 PM
lol i didnt say i liked being lied on i said i dont like being lied on
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: TowerSheep on July 09, 2011, 06:49:45 PM
my karma never dropped that low it went from  700 to 673 then thats when tower banned me
Care to adjust this statement? I waited and the karma never went up. Proof:

The rule is if you go below 700. I was being nice and giving him a chance. It's not that hard to control your fire, considering he was using a deagle most of the time.

@Waffuls: After the 2nd round his Karma was 670. He had 3 rounds to go from 670 to ANYTHING higher. After the 2nd to last round he was banned. If you keep shooting when you know your karma is low I really don't care.

Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Jorgen on July 09, 2011, 06:56:02 PM
So what you are saying tower is that you wish them to just sit in a corner not playing the game? Well that makes litle sense, was the kill before the ban a RDM kill? Also did he even kill some1 the last round or was it just damage dealt?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Sir Willis on July 09, 2011, 07:24:21 PM
i changed my mind, i say ban stays. end of story. the picture was enough for me
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 07:40:18 PM
in my defence i wasnt checking my karma until the round b4 he banned me  i only checked it those rounds where those innos were shooting me and i killed them it was getting to 700 so i tried to simmer down a bit on them shooting me and not shooting them back but like jorgen says im not just gonna sit in a corner and let the round be a waste of my time no im gonna play
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: TowerSheep on July 09, 2011, 07:44:27 PM
Thing is if he hits no one for 2 rounds at 670 he's be 700+ so he then lost another 60-70 karma.
That is a full on kill. (you get about 15-20 karma four simply not hitting anyone, you get more if you do your job.)
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 09, 2011, 09:18:31 PM
i killed 1 inno as  a T that round
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: furiousjello on July 10, 2011, 12:36:18 AM
i killed 1 inno as  a T that round

You DO NOT lose karma for killing innos as a T. If that was the case then we would be dishing out a lot of these  < 700 bans.
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: malak97 on July 10, 2011, 01:34:26 AM
well that was the round he banned me actually so my karma didnt get to go up
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Lcpl. Kitty on July 13, 2011, 12:02:14 AM
Wait does this involve me?
Title: Re: malaks appeal i got banned for no reason due to being lied on
Post by: Yarou on July 13, 2011, 12:32:26 AM
Wait does this involve me?

only malak.
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