Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

CG Gaming Section => General Gaming Talk => Topic started by: Zukuto on April 18, 2011, 10:47:07 PM

Title: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 18, 2011, 10:47:07 PM
I know it's been down for awhile, and there wasn't much success before, but we have room for one, and I have grown bored of our servers (plus it gives me something to handle as a community coder). TK said he's waiting for the FTP from our beloved WG, and a lot of my friends have been begging me to beg WG about it. Anyways, I REALLY want to get this started quickly, so lets do it! It would take me all of 2 hours to set up a server completely (connected to source bans and everything) all I need is access and instructions as to what mods we'll be running from TK.

Can we do this soon? Pweassseeee??
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Kwaurtz on April 18, 2011, 11:24:49 PM
This is the last fucking thing CG needs to worry about. We've got so much other shit that is much more important.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on April 18, 2011, 11:27:44 PM
On a scale of being in the realm of possibility, I would probably put this right next to Paul McCartney being dead.
(also not dickish comment lol, just pointing out that we have loads of other shit to get fixing which alone I doubt will ever come)
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Boxman on April 18, 2011, 11:41:49 PM
On a scale of being in the realm of possibility, I would probably put this right next to Paul McCartney being dead.
(also not dickish comment lol, just pointing out that we have loads of other shit to get fixing which alone I doubt will ever come)
I would laugh if he died from a heart attack tomorrow...
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on April 18, 2011, 11:43:42 PM
On a scale of being in the realm of possibility, I would probably put this right next to Paul McCartney being dead.
(also not dickish comment lol, just pointing out that we have loads of other shit to get fixing which alone I doubt will ever come)
I would laugh if he died from a heart attack tomorrow...
Circa 1960's lmao
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 18, 2011, 11:44:20 PM
You guys missed the point, CG doesn't worry about the server. It's been neglected, I have offered MY TIME to work on it, and get it done, there is absolutely NOTHING CG can lose from simply turning the server on. I understand there's other 'important' things to worry about, but this isn't a problem, and I still have yet to see why we shouldn't other than 'we have better things to worry about.' Which is invalid, considering I would be doing all the maintenance(unless TK wants to), and believe it or not, CSS servers are hella-easy to maintain and run effeciently.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Boxman on April 18, 2011, 11:47:29 PM
You guys missed the point, CG doesn't worry about the server. It's been neglected, I have offered MY TIME to work on it, and get it done, there is absolutely NOTHING CG can lose from simply turning the server on. I understand there's other 'important' things to worry about, but this isn't a problem, and I still have yet to see why we shouldn't other than 'we have better things to worry about.' Which is invalid, considering I would be doing all the maintenance(unless TK wants to), and believe it or not, CSS servers are hella-easy to maintain and run effeciently.
Besides wasted bandwidth.. Oh, forgot about that? I'm sorry...
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 18, 2011, 11:51:29 PM
You guys missed the point, CG doesn't worry about the server. It's been neglected, I have offered MY TIME to work on it, and get it done, there is absolutely NOTHING CG can lose from simply turning the server on. I understand there's other 'important' things to worry about, but this isn't a problem, and I still have yet to see why we shouldn't other than 'we have better things to worry about.' Which is invalid, considering I would be doing all the maintenance(unless TK wants to), and believe it or not, CSS servers are hella-easy to maintain and run effeciently.
Besides wasted bandwidth.. Oh, forgot about that? I'm sorry...

Except that it wouldn't take up much bandwidth. I've already talked to Inject about that issue, and he assured me that it's not an problem.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Boxman on April 18, 2011, 11:52:26 PM
You guys missed the point, CG doesn't worry about the server. It's been neglected, I have offered MY TIME to work on it, and get it done, there is absolutely NOTHING CG can lose from simply turning the server on. I understand there's other 'important' things to worry about, but this isn't a problem, and I still have yet to see why we shouldn't other than 'we have better things to worry about.' Which is invalid, considering I would be doing all the maintenance(unless TK wants to), and believe it or not, CSS servers are hella-easy to maintain and run effeciently.
Besides wasted bandwidth.. Oh, forgot about that? I'm sorry...

Except that it wouldn't take up much bandwidth. I've already talked to Inject about that issue, and he assured me that it's not an problem.
Well.. SHH. >:I
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Morbidus on April 18, 2011, 11:53:53 PM
And the Dark Rp server isn't wasting bandwith?

Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: taco on April 18, 2011, 11:54:14 PM
I for one would pretty much play on this server 24/7; since joining this clan I have been supplementing my CSS game-play with that of various random servers.  I would love to be able to play CSS under a Zukuto managed server where I believe a faction of CG could thrive.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on April 18, 2011, 11:57:08 PM
Welp, I cannot really do much about it either way :\ The other CL's have the access while I remain without until I'm "trained"
 It's CG we're talking about here... A 2nd TTT server toke us a whole Duke Nukem Forever release date time (When it's done) to ever get it up and it's STILL borked somewhat. I'm sure CSS would be relatively easy to set up as we have done it before though.

And the Dark Rp server isn't wasting bandwith?

Hehe, it gets us out there though. I have no idea on our intentions for Dark RP though. My opinion is that is just a festering place of trolls and little kids. Something we don't need/have enough of.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Cheezy on April 19, 2011, 12:00:04 AM
I concur.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 19, 2011, 12:04:33 AM
Guys, listen, the server would effect CG in the sense of wasted bandwidth, constricted player-base, or stretched admins. It would be from scratch, and only serve the purpose of supplying a CSS server to our CSS fans in CG, and provide a way for new members to join. You don't need to worry about those issues, considering setting servers up are MUCH easier that most people think. Literally all I have to do is say 'I want this, here' and POW server = done. (Not really, theres a bit more work, but it's simple)
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Dinomoto on April 19, 2011, 12:11:18 AM
I for one would pretty much play on this server 24/7; since joining this clan

We are not a clan.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Boxman on April 19, 2011, 12:11:56 AM
I won't lie though, I'd like to play CSS without a bunch of assholes screaming at me for doing bad.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Kwaurtz on April 19, 2011, 12:28:56 AM
We are already hitting out bandwith caps. Wholegrain also said NO MORE servers until we get a better box.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Dinomoto on April 19, 2011, 12:35:23 AM
We are already hitting out bandwith caps. Wholegrain also said NO MORE servers until we get a better box.

Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 19, 2011, 02:10:21 AM
Kwaurtz, your input isn't needed, regardless of what has been said, bandwidth is NOT an issue.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Kwaurtz on April 19, 2011, 02:41:09 AM
Kwaurtz, your input isn't needed, regardless of what has been said, bandwidth is NOT an issue.

If my input isn't needed then don't make a public thread concerning a community issue. Just because your idea is being shot down doesn't mean you have to be an asshole about this. There are bigger tasks at hand, tasks that you should be helping on as a community coder. We have enough trouble as it is maintaining what we have, there is no reason to divert the manpower to another server, regardless of how easy you say it is. We could throw up a million different easy servers, but they'd all be shitty if we didn't get a good base for the original ones. The original ones need to be focused on before we expand anymore. Because not only will the CSS server require moderation and extra administration, it would also require that we divert our populating power away from fretta, away from dark rp, away from servers we have already heavily invested into. In short, this is not the right time for a CSS server, its been tried at, its been failed at. We aren't saying its not a viable option down the road, its just not a good time right now for CG.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: B.E.R.S.~4:20 on April 19, 2011, 03:45:59 AM
Kwaurtz, your input isn't needed, regardless of what has been said, bandwidth is NOT an issue.

If my input isn't needed then don't make a public thread concerning a community issue!

Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Bjork on April 19, 2011, 09:38:59 AM
Saying that the TTT server/s aren't fixed I doubt that CSS is the first thing on our minds and some of our servers just aren't populated.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 19, 2011, 05:36:14 PM
bers, I meant, he keeps telling me the same thing over and over again, something that's already been dealt with.
And I need to say this again, THIS DOESN'T TAKE AWAY FROM OUR OTHER SERVERS RESOURCES! So stop worrying about 'more important' things need to be done. Because either me, or TK would do all the work.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: B.E.R.S.~4:20 on April 19, 2011, 05:54:51 PM
bers, I meant, he keeps telling me the same thing over and over again, something that's already been dealt with.
And I need to say this again, THIS DOESN'T TAKE AWAY FROM OUR OTHER SERVERS RESOURCES! So stop worrying about 'more important' things need to be done. Because either me, or TK would do all the work.

ah otay
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Cadaver on April 19, 2011, 06:48:34 PM
Ok, I see one person, who will not be asked to be an admin, on the CS:S server...

So, it wont take bandwidth, and resources from the other servers... Ok, then what exactly is needed, and how do you plan it implement it?
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 19, 2011, 07:04:15 PM
Thank you for actually asking questions Cadaver :D
No, bandwidth and resources aren't a problem.
Really, the only thing that is needed is for me to have FTP access, and the server to be on. The rest is simple, and it's more or less a trial, and side-project. So it's not taking up CG's man-power since only I have volunteered to maintain it, and I don't do much as-is.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, but it's pretty annoying when people complain about the same problem, that isn't even a problem. We won't be diverting population, or man-power. You say I 'should' be working on the other servers, yet I haven't been given anything to work on. I decided to divert my talents elsewhere, and I am working on the DarkRP, but that's nothing more than uploading files. Just because it's easy to set up, doesn't mean it will be crappy, I don't think you realize how easy and straight forward CS:S servers are, I mean, they CAN be difficult, but no-where near as difficult as a Gmod server. Now, administration could be an issue, it may not be, CS:S servers, especially Pubs, don't need a lot of admins. I would love to administrate the server, and I'm sure there will be people coming from the server that would do it as well.

Anyways, I didn't need to reply to those, but I did, just to provide informations. Wholegrain has already approved the server, now it's just up to TK to figure out what needs to be done, and give me some work ^^
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Wholegrain on April 19, 2011, 09:57:07 PM
We are already hitting out bandwith caps. Wholegrain also said NO MORE servers until we get a better box.

actually zukuto bandwidth was a concern before we simply didn't have enough money for the bandwidth even something as small as css could push us into overage charges.  The way things are heading now with all the servers but TTT being dead it probably won't be a problem

We are working on a content release for DarkRP to push it back into the player population and than we will focus on Fretta.  For now I don't see harm in a CSS server when every other server in cg is dead and nobody in CG cares enough to really get them started.  Honestly i leave for a few days and i notice CG go from its peak to its near worst in months.  I don't see the point in running a community where I literally need to be there every day and can't appoint anyone else to take over mainstream.  I had to stop my little get away time to fix things in CG and even after being fixed I noticed nobody taking any initiative.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Tictactoe360 on April 19, 2011, 11:59:55 PM
Edit: Page didn't load fully missed a few post never mind.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Blackllama on April 20, 2011, 01:04:56 AM
Question from the peanut gallery: Why are we still arguing when the suggestion has been shut down by at least 5 different people?
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: taco on April 20, 2011, 06:23:26 AM
I can't wait Scout (zukuto)! Its gunna be just like old times :D.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Bjork on April 20, 2011, 08:29:12 AM
thx for doing this zukuto

the only thing i can think off that was going to get added was rank and a few custom maps/stock maps
list was made but wasn't finished

if you have any more maps your self or any good things to add then i don't have a problem with them being added

De_Kisyamo (Spelt something like that)
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Bjork on April 20, 2011, 08:57:56 AM
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE on April 20, 2011, 04:57:10 PM
I really like CSS but it really isnt the time. We need more people in rp and fretta. (No im not able to get back on yet. I am using my phone.) People who join rp and fretta to populate would stop and help populate CSS. Which would hurt those servers. I think fretta and rp should have a good number of people in them at all times (atleast 2 24/7) before another server. Css does take alot of people or good mods. People prefer to join medium pop servers and high amount in css.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Boxman on April 20, 2011, 05:04:39 PM
I really like CSS but it really isnt the time. We need more people in rp and fretta. (No im not able to get back on yet. I am using my phone.) People who join rp and fretta to populate would stop and help populate CSS. Which would hurt those servers. I think fretta and rp should have a good number of people in them at all times (atleast 2 24/7) before another server. Css does take alot of people or good mods. People prefer to join medium pop servers and high amount in css.
Not going to happen. DarkRP is far from our most popular server... Fretta rarely gets any sort of traffic either.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE on April 20, 2011, 05:32:08 PM
Fretta gets barely any trafic cause im the only one who ever tries to poulate it, unless some new guys join. When I do try to populate it I get 4-10 people who stay for about 2 hours.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 20, 2011, 05:40:57 PM
Guys, it's just a trial, it's okay. If it does affect CG in an unintended way, it will be dealt with.
Thanks for the concern though, it's nice to see CG members actually care about the stability :D
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on April 26, 2011, 01:41:43 PM
RP wouldn't take that big of a hit from this. Fretta maybe but I don't see that as a major problem really:P
I think we should get plenty of good custom maps, I like me some good eye candy whilst killing people. I find the stock maps plain and overplayed.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Cadaver on April 26, 2011, 02:12:24 PM
"I like me some good eye candy whilst killing people. "

Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Nabe Gewell on April 26, 2011, 03:27:48 PM
Query: Will this server have sv_pure?
Personally I think it shouldn't.  :|  All it does is kick players who like to customize there game. Either way, I've been trying to get back into the game, but finding a server besides "huur surf" or "another gungame". The few server I do find are filled with people with a superiority complex.

I also suck at the game.  frogface
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: IrishBandit on April 26, 2011, 05:43:24 PM
Sweet. I've been wanting this.
Also, you're looking for maps?

Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on April 26, 2011, 06:56:41 PM
Well, I doubt we will have to worry about them often. If anything an admin will be on there to catch them. Just read Kyunga's guide and you're all set. Plus if we have pure on then I cannot use my skins >_>
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: Zukuto on April 26, 2011, 07:00:46 PM
sv_pure 1 blocks people from using unauthorized scripts on the server, sure its an inconvenience, but it is needed.
Title: Re: I would like to restart the CSS server
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on April 26, 2011, 07:10:05 PM
We managed pretty well before without one, we did have a little trouble with 1 or 2 supposed hackers but that was from inexperienced admins.
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