Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

CG Gaming Section => General Gaming Talk => Topic started by: Zukuto on March 26, 2011, 04:09:43 PM

Title: Guild Wars 2
Post by: Zukuto on March 26, 2011, 04:09:43 PM
I'm making this to discuss what you like and dislike about what we know about Guild Wars 2. What would you like to be implemented from GW1?

This thread is serious, don't troll, don't complain about how both will suck (I'm looking at you Kwaurts) because frankly, we don't care if you think they both suck, unless you can provide legitiment reasons as to why they do.

Feel free to post videos, screenshots, or anything that has to do with GW2, I plan on posting news for GW2 here as-well.

Also, I'd like to discuss the posibility of a CG run GW2 Guild, not neccesarily named Conjoint Gaming, but it would be a CG guild, that would redirect members here.

Again - Do NOT post here if you have nothing intelligent to say. Only post information and questions pertaining Guild Wars 2.

Here's ( the site.

And a video:
Title: Re: Guild Wars 2
Post by: Kwaurtz on March 26, 2011, 04:17:39 PM
I can't formulate an opinion about a game that hasn't been released yet.

As for the original guild wars, the game moved TOO fast, in my opinion. With a level cap as low as 20, its REALLY easy to hit. I don't like the fact that you can only have 8 spells on your bar at a time. I don't like how the entire world is instanced, it discourages player interaction, I loved WoW becuase I could go to the horde territory and just fuck with them there.

One thing that I liked was the ability of choose a secondary profession, but like I said, the game moved too fast. I only played the first one because at the time, the others hadn't been released yet.
Title: Re: Guild Wars 2
Post by: Zukuto on March 26, 2011, 04:27:00 PM
Well, you can formulate an opinion based on what HAS been released.

Anyways, the game moved fast in the leveling aspect, but the point of the game wasn't to get to the highest level. The 8 spells helps get rid of the grind that WoW has, something some people don't like. WoW is a grind based, run and gun type game. Guild Wars is a more strategic and tactic based game, you have to have 8 skills that get the job done, you don't have ALL your skills at your disposal because that would be too easy. It's about balance, you have to find the correct balance of skills, and attribute points, as well as when you use them and in what position. I did like WoW's persistent world, it was large, but can be quite discouraging when it comes to being ganked. However, I also like GW's instanced take on an MMO, and I don't think it discourages player interaction at all. In fact, it encourages it, since, for the most part, every city you go to there's going to players, most of which are hoping to accomplish the same task you are. As for the low level cap, thats done to further the strategic/tactic aspect, basically everybody is equal, and your skill is not based on level, or gear, it's based on HOW you play your character. Plus, there's A LOT more to do than just get to level 20, once you reach 20, you've only completed a small percentage of the game then. I'd say somewhere around 5-10% of the game. There's plenty more out there for you do then just level, but you have to give up on grinding, because that's not how you play Guild Wars.
Title: Re: Guild Wars 2
Post by: (=CG=) DoomBringerDANTE on March 31, 2011, 01:14:22 PM
I am one of those MMO players that likes traveling in a party and I have to say. Guild Wars is a pain in the ass for new people to mmos. It was a pain in the ass for me and I played wow for two years before I played guild wars. Though I must say some things are fun and interesting but its so annoying to get around at low levels. Another thing is my first Guild Wars character was broken. I just charged my way through players and NPCS. I hate the instance thing for Guild Wars. It DOES hinder people from working together. In wow its like "Oh hey orc. I guess your here to take down the burning blade." "Yeah its my current quest before I level." "Me too. Wanna team up?" "Sure". Guild wars though with the instance thing you don't see any players unless they were in your party when you entered. I hated that. I kept expecting to see a player run along.
Title: Re: Guild Wars 2
Post by: Zukuto on March 31, 2011, 07:51:53 PM
That's the point. In the Outpost you see people, grab them, and have your OWN portion of the game to play. Regardless, GW2 doesn't have this, its a persistent world, I want to know the ups and downs of the CURRENT GW2. It's still subject to change, but there is still A LOT of information out there about it.
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