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CG Administration Section => Admin Department => Admin Applications => Topic started by: Finniespin on November 25, 2013, 11:17:53 AM

Title: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Finniespin on November 25, 2013, 11:17:53 AM
In-server name: finniespin

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: N/A

Age: 20

What country are you from (and time zone): The Netherlands GMT+1

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21921149

Do you have past admin experience: Still on TTT

What makes you want to apply for an admin: Just cuz

What admin-like qualities do you possess: Being in magical yurup time.

Do you use a Microphone: No, I use pigeon mail

Please list at least 3 1 CG rules in your own words and why they're important to CG:
I just want to be able to kick mic spammers. And other annoying people.

Additional Notes: Just checking/asking if there is a TS3 admin position on the server. I also like to see more custom gaming channels etc.

By any means. I just want to see if there is need for admins (even a little). Don't be afraid to -1 as you think it will not be needed.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Old Crow on November 25, 2013, 12:35:46 PM
I don't really thing TS needs a regular admin at all. Its simple enough to mute people and most times there is somebody that has the power to kick people. 0
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Red on November 25, 2013, 02:33:32 PM
Can't you mute individual players for yourself by right clicking their name and selecting mute/ignore or something? If someone is bugging you then just do that.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: AlphaWeeaboo on November 25, 2013, 03:42:42 PM
I'm not really seeing a direct need for a TeamSpeak admin personally. I think Death is on like 24/7 too. if anything though a little insight on any disturbances in TS3 are welcome.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: DBag on November 25, 2013, 04:43:09 PM
While I don't think its needed and yes death is on all the time. you send me pictures of food so +1
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!) on November 25, 2013, 05:55:12 PM
How about you give a reason why he shouldn't have TS admin instead of saying it's unnecessary. It can't hurt to have someone around to handle problems, should they arise. He was an admin on vent, I believe, so I think it makes sense for him to be an admin on TS. +1
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Red on November 25, 2013, 05:58:41 PM
How about you give a reason why he shouldn't have TS admin instead of saying it's unnecessary. It can't hurt to have someone around to handle problems, should they arise. He was an admin on vent, I believe, so I think it makes sense for him to be an admin on TS. +1
If he was an admin on Vent why shouldn't he be one on TS? After all it is the voice server that replaced Vent... Yeah it's true (I think) that you can mute someone but why not have an admin on who can actually punish any rule breakers/trouble makers I guess.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Kwaurtz on November 25, 2013, 06:04:46 PM
Because the only people who have admin on teamspeak are CL's and towersheep. Because we may come say hi and finnie regards it as mic spam or being annoying and its gonna lead to people being buttmad. Because we have yet to really have anyone come and spam the teamspeak.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Ðeath. on November 25, 2013, 06:30:46 PM
I'm not really seeing a direct need for a TeamSpeak admin personally. I think Death is on like 24/7 too. if anything though a little insight on any disturbances in TS3 are welcome.

I sometimes get upset when I accidentally cut out for two seconds, then my '3 days, 18 hrs, 50 min, 20 sec' is gone, and I have to start all over again.

tbh, don't see you on much on TS3, but if other people feel the need, they can +1. Meanwhile, I'll be here in TS3.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Kwaurtz on November 25, 2013, 06:32:33 PM
Another reason I say no: You can create temp channels that you have admin in.

If you right click in the channel lists you can create your own temp channel, this will be a channel that you have admin in until you leave the channel. Once you leave it, the channel will delete itself, but as long as you are there, you have full admin. If you are that concerned, just use this route.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Finniespin on November 25, 2013, 06:59:37 PM
To the angry leave me alone chat.

I am in DayZ. We are in fights and we need to hear gun shots.
I am just really in the moment and when it get disturbed I can't concentrate.

People WILL hate me for it. But it's just how I roll with DayZ.

Same with people playing LoL and get steam messages all the time.
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Old Crow on November 25, 2013, 07:03:53 PM
I'm with kwuartz on this one. Giving admin for TS has the potential for abuse. Additionally Finnie you came on yesterday, held down the mic button and started making noises. I asked for you to quit it, instead you just ragequit. Not a good reaction TBH
Title: Re: [TS3] Finniespin
Post by: Pillz on November 26, 2013, 01:00:59 AM
While we might look into TS3 admins later on down the road, right now we don't need the help; like the others said you can created temporary admin inside other channels and the such but thank you for your offer.

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