Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

CG Gaming Section => GarrysMod => Topic started by: UnknownError on September 04, 2013, 11:29:18 PM

Title: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: UnknownError on September 04, 2013, 11:29:18 PM
Apparently what I do on the TTT server with my better friends is considered ghosting.

Okay, in some of my T rounds, I ask my best buds on the server what T weapon they want. This pertains to just Rogue, and Taco. I've been playing with them for months and outside of TTT. I do this simply for entertainment factor, and not to purposely troll the server. Their reactions are pretty priceless. Sometimes, they don't shoot back. I see no reason they should, or I have to act as a "conventional" traitor. If the rules have to dictate that much of how an individual wants to play the game, then TTT is not right for me.

*Ghosting: Ghosting, sometimes refered to as metagaming, is the act of informing ALIVE players who the traitors are as a traitor. This includes telling the admins through admin chat.

So by definition am I ghosting ? Why should my friends and I be punished ?
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: forumguy69 on September 04, 2013, 11:39:38 PM
I've done the same things with some regs and I gotta say it does feel like ghosting. Traitor and innocent working together. But I'm not using it for harm to RDM any traitors or innocent just for a little fun.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: crovv on September 04, 2013, 11:41:39 PM
I've heard Nexus call it as ghosting before, when he caught someone else doing it. You know he's the T, and not killing him though you know he's the T is considered ghosting (or vice versa).
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Billy on September 04, 2013, 11:42:44 PM
I don't see that as ghosting; no. Technically, they can't even prove you're a traitor just because you happen to have a traitor wep. Even if it is one they asked for, that you just so conveniently had..

It's not like you're calling any of your T-buddies out. And calling yourself out isn't ghosting either. Giving friends t weps is just silly.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: UnknownError on September 04, 2013, 11:43:35 PM
Most of the time, they simply say "unknown gave me the knife" followed by a server side KOS on me. They don't lie about where they got the T weapon.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Kwaurtz on September 04, 2013, 11:45:19 PM
Most of the time, they simply say "unknown gave me the knife" followed by a server side KOS on me. They don't lie about where they got the T weapon.

It still is ghosting and ruining the potential round for the rest of your t-buddies. They are gimped because of you.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: UnknownError on September 04, 2013, 11:50:52 PM
Most of the time, they simply say "unknown gave me the knife" followed by a server side KOS on me. They don't lie about where they got the T weapon.

It still is ghosting and ruining the potential round for the rest of your t-buddies. They are gimped because of you.

I see no correlation between ghosting and ruining a T victory. I'm playing TTT my own way. I'm not using another form of communication. I do not know what the rules are for quoting something out of admin office but, it is on topic.

Since when is that considered ghosting? Its not using an external source to your advantage, which is what ghosting is, it is trolling and intentionally causing a fellow traitor to die without evidence, leading it to be rdm.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Kwaurtz on September 04, 2013, 11:54:01 PM
Most of the time, they simply say "unknown gave me the knife" followed by a server side KOS on me. They don't lie about where they got the T weapon.

It still is ghosting and ruining the potential round for the rest of your t-buddies. They are gimped because of you.

I see no correlation between ghosting and ruining a T victory. I'm playing TTT my own way. I'm not using another form of communication. I do not know what the rules are for quoting something out of admin office but, it is on topic.

Since when is that considered ghosting? Its not using an external source to your advantage, which is what ghosting is, it is trolling and intentionally causing a fellow traitor to die without evidence, leading it to be rdm.

Thats for a different context and is for calling out other T's as the T, which is different. I'm not saying what you are doing is punishable, but you are gimping the T's by shortening their numbers.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: theyankees213 on September 04, 2013, 11:59:49 PM
I would just not do it if I were you, at least until Cortez rules on this.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: TowerSheep on September 05, 2013, 12:02:42 AM
While it does gimp the team, it is not ghosting. It is not ghosting to announce yourself. So long as he is the only one outed by this it is not ghosting. (My vote)
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Billy on September 05, 2013, 12:08:44 AM
While it does gimp the team, it is not ghosting. It is not ghosting to announce yourself. So long as he is the only one outed by this it is not ghosting. (My vote)
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: UnknownError on September 05, 2013, 12:09:44 AM
Now that I look back on it, yeah that quote is slightly out of context.

My main point still stands, threatening long time regulars with something as severe as a ghosting charge for this is unfounded. I would like to add for people whom don't know, Ghosting entails a permanent ban.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Blackllama on September 05, 2013, 12:20:20 AM
I'm confused, are you asking them if they want a weapon outside of game or in game chat? If it is in game chat, you are calling yourself out (or T-baiting) and they can shoot you. If it is outside of game, you are telling specific people you are a T giving them an edge against other players which is ghosting.

EDIT: I didn't read closely enough. So, if there's no out of game communication, you are simply goofing around and being a bit of a dick to your T buddies. Not any rules broken as far as I can see.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: oobla37 on September 05, 2013, 12:54:09 AM
"hey guys, I'm a t" =/= ghosting.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Finniespin on September 05, 2013, 04:59:26 AM
It still is ghosting and ruining the potential round for the rest of your t-buddies. They are gimped because of you.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: HerpDerpMike on September 05, 2013, 03:23:34 PM
Sorry if someone already said this I have very little time to read all this:
I'm pretty sure giving someone a T wep is equivalent to just saying "I'm a traitor"
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Pillz on September 05, 2013, 03:38:19 PM
If you're giving people knives and vintars; and they are parading around with them to A) be called out as traitors (AKA diverting attention away from you, the actual traitor) B) use those weapons to RDM or C) they claim they killed a T and got their weapon.

So basically you're playing the game against how it's supposed to be played and it gives you a slightly unfair advantage. I can see some situations where this would be annoying such as point A) so I understand why one might call it ghosting.

If I was playing with anyone who decided to give me a vintar I would HS them on the spot, so anyone playing along is just as guilty.

It's not a serious offense but I can see why it might be against the rules.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Leetgrain on September 05, 2013, 03:58:19 PM
One time, I was a T and Lone Grey was near me, so I bought a knife, proclaimed to everyone that I was a T and I wanted to give Lone Grey a knife, so I dropped it, commit harikarisuicide, and made sure everyone could see I was a T in chat. Lone was never RDMed, and the T's still won, is that still ghosting? Not really.

Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Christovski on September 05, 2013, 04:32:45 PM
One time, I was a T and Lone Grey was near me, so I bought a knife, proclaimed to everyone that I was a T and I wanted to give Lone Grey a knife, so I dropped it, commit harikarisuicide, and made sure everyone could see I was a T in chat. Lone was never RDMed, and the T's still won, is that still ghosting? Not really.

Killing yourself makes it different than what Unknown described, and you still gimped your team by killing yourself, if they lost it could be pinned on you :P
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Billy on September 05, 2013, 04:43:54 PM
I thought TTT was all about deception and mindgames. Shit, I might start giving people T weapons on the slick to get some innos killed. Make my job easier. Maybe even get "proven innocent" from it.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Leetgrain on September 05, 2013, 04:50:09 PM
One time, I was a T and Lone Grey was near me, so I bought a knife, proclaimed to everyone that I was a T and I wanted to give Lone Grey a knife, so I dropped it, commit harikarisuicide, and made sure everyone could see I was a T in chat. Lone was never RDMed, and the T's still won, is that still ghosting? Not really.

Killing yourself makes it different than what Unknown described, and you still gimped your team by killing yourself, if they lost it could be pinned on you :P

Not really, it would've been worse if I was alive as I would have been eating and doing nothing at all. Not really gimping your team if your team is already decent, either.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: UnknownError on September 05, 2013, 04:57:00 PM
Neither Rogue, nor Taco RDM. These are trusted members within the TTT community. If people ask where they got it, they say they got it off of me. Usually no one notices the exchanges, as I tell like its a normal conversation.

I'm still killing people on my T round, around 3-4 kills average ? So, no I'm not gimping my team entirely.

From what I recall, no RDM has happened because of my actions. Some people might just get butthurt in game; simply because T weps are better than what you normally get.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!) on September 05, 2013, 05:19:56 PM
Okay. Basically what you're doing is slightly against the rules IF said friend doesn't kill you for it. It is kind of a dick move to the other people on the server as well because if you give your friend who is innocent a traitor weapon, such as a knife, it gives them an unfair advantage if they are attacked by another traitor. Due to the fact that your not giving any information about the traitors except that you are one doesn't make it ghosting per say, but if an innocent has undeniable proof that someone is a traitor and doesn't kill them because they're friends that kind of ruins the point of the gamemode. I wouldn't punish for this, but I also would recommend not doing it.
Title: Re: How is Unknown Ghosting ?
Post by: UnknownError on September 05, 2013, 07:19:53 PM
Okay, thanks for the clarification, Cortez.

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