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Ban Request / Re: Minato Arisato/ Lelouch Vi Britannia
« on: 13 Jan, 2014 20:55 »
Here's how the story goes so you can understand how he harrassed me with it:

I told Minato I had a twin sister, he started laughing. He wanted to see what we looked like so he got a picture and started saying stuff like "I want to pinch your cheeks" and "you guys should perform incest".

Minato thought me having a twin sister and his binds were a direct way to offend me. The bind translates to (he says in Japanese, I don't know for sure) "Twin sister, I want you badly."

Now, everytime I used to join the server he'd use those binds and sometimes over the mic he'd go "Hey HerpDerp.." Multiple admins told him multiple times to stop, I believe after a while he finally got a good sense to stop or he'll be banned.
So like, wasn't this sorted out by admins and what not? You're pretty much dredging up solved issues for the sake of an argument here. You spoke to admins about it, they sorted it out. What more do you want other than him being banned? That's kinda petty really.

Ban Request / Re: Minato Arisato/ Lelouch Vi Britannia
« on: 13 Jan, 2014 20:41 »
The name changes weren't even that horrible. Thats the exact problem, he can't take a joke. The goal was to represent how he reacts towards misuse of his name while we were recording. And it only gets much worse than that, if he can't handle a little disrespect, why does he think we can handle all his disrespect?
"Two wrongs don't make a right."

Ban Request / Re: Minato Arisato/ Lelouch Vi Britannia
« on: 13 Jan, 2014 20:39 »
And verbally harassed? You were the guys who initiated the conflict, and have been asked to stop. So please, do not make yourself to look like the victim here.
You're kidding me, right? We were merely responding to your distasteful name changes. If we're not allowed to respond to that, then what the hell is the point of being able to communicate? You guys were pretty much going forth trying to shoo us off the server through different means. At the time, completely unjustified. Please don't make yourself look like the good guy here either. You really think your method of dealing with this was mature? Don't kid yourself, you started taking the piss out of the guy a mere 18 hours before this thread was started.

I'm not referring to this single incident, this has been an ongoing issue the way minato has treated others in the community. As you can see in the video above that four different instances of rdm. Did I change my name to something that was poking fun at his name? Yes, I fully did and can admit to that, and I also changed my name back when I was asked to.
Overall with the RDM incidents, these have been taken over the course of like 2 months with solid play. Yes, that doesn't excuse it, but I'm pretty sure that if someone were to solidly keep track of when I've RDM'd over the course of those months, I would be in the same situation right now. Plus, when it does happen (at least when I'm around) he will take a slay when appropriate. Also, HerpDerp, he removed that message as soon as you said you were offended by it. It wasn't targeted at you at all, he had that bind beforehand. It was also ONE bind. You word it in a way that signifies that it's many more.
A lot of this seems petty merely because you don't like the guy, but of course, that's only because I only have my own perspective to go off of.

Ban Request / Re: Minato Arisato/ Lelouch Vi Britannia
« on: 13 Jan, 2014 20:25 »
And verbally harassed? You were the guys who initiated the conflict, and have been asked to stop. So please, do not make yourself to look like the victim here.
You're kidding me, right? We were merely responding to your distasteful name changes. If we're not allowed to respond to that, then what the hell is the point of being able to communicate? You guys were pretty much going forth trying to shoo us off the server through different means. At the time, completely unjustified. Please don't make yourself look like the good guy here either. You really think your method of dealing with this was mature? Don't kid yourself, you started taking the piss out of the guy a mere 18 hours before this thread was started.

Ban Request / Re: Minato Arisato/ Lelouch Vi Britannia
« on: 13 Jan, 2014 20:13 »
This is slightly unrelated to the ban report itself, but is a direct consequence of such.

Don't think it matters as we as a collective group have left the server due to the horrible attitude that was displayed during last night. I know this is somewhat unrelated, but the fact that he and myself were verbally harassed and attacked (even RDM'd in a few instances just because we were talking too much). We have screenshots of peoples' names which were direct piss-takes of our names. Kwaurtz, you yourself even tried to justify your actions by outright calling out Death and saying he allowed you to do so. If two wrongs were to make a right, you guys would have been doing donuts right now. I tried to discuss the issue with admins but they were all adamant that they didn't want to listen. This is known as 'biased' in many languages.

This whole situation was handled incredibly poorly and immaturely. Have fun with your server, Conjoint Dictators.

GarrysMod / Re: nanostalic's TTT video masterpost.
« on: 02 Jan, 2014 19:06 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Red's favorite song.

GarrysMod / Re: The Cortez's Bitches group
« on: 02 Jan, 2014 01:44 »
I fear that a server-wide civil war may occur, Red.
RHM vs CB. Let the games begin.

GarrysMod / Re: nanostalic's TTT video masterpost.
« on: 31 Dec, 2013 12:19 »
Two new videos added. Enjoy.  parrot

GarrysMod / nanostalic's TTT video masterpost.
« on: 29 Dec, 2013 21:58 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
'Ricky, you fu*ked me.'

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
'Otterfiend and his Magic Deagle.'

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
'God's 1337 Skills.' (My personal favorite)

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