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Author Topic: PKMN Black and White PART TWO  (Read 701 times)

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Offline Pillz

PKMN Black and White PART TWO
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:13:48 AM »
The man at gamestop was talking to me about a bunch of the upcoming titles, says that they're working on the next pokemon games, that will be the first ever to be a direct sequel, calling it Black/White 2, or whatever. So I think it will be same reigon, maybe new pokemon and newer minigames and extra shit to do I'm sure. It's coming out for the 3DS, not sure if it'll be compatible with just regular DS's, but who still has anything older than the DSLite.. Anywho he said something happens with the legendaries, I haven't beaten B/W so I don't really know, but he said there's going to be a legendary that plays all(or just the two main legendaries of B/W) the other Legendaries.

Honestly I wasn't too much a fan of Black and White, I mean I did like them, but I never got through it. Maybe it's just spoiling myself with using x2 speed on emulators on the computer to grind easier, and then you actually have to sit through each battle and, yeah.. It was fun and beautiful looking, I just couldn't get into it like I used to. So I know only the Pokemon fans would care to buy it. I just hope they change the childish looking simple battle scenes, I mean if it's a 3DS, with all it's graphical capibility, pokemon should be goddamn 3D and lifelike. It'll probably be a few years before we see it actually released, or maybe less. The WiiU is said to be out by christmas..

So I haven't looked for any online articles but I'm sure they're out there. I was also told they're working on a 3DS specific Zelda to come out, I hope it's not like Spirit Tracks or anything.. Even if it is the WiiU Zelda should tide me over. I once spoke of the WiiU having blu-ray, well the gamestop dude said he doesn't think it will be able to like, read Blu-ray DVD's, but they will use a similar technology that's cheaper to incorporate but still gives the graphical edge that systems like the 360 and PS3 have ATM. SO YEAH.

Just figured I'd let anyone who didn't yet know INTO THE LOOP.
This whole thing is a travesty.

For starters, Pillz is obviously the sexiest.

Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

PKMN Black and White PART TWO
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:13:48 AM »


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