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I realize this is quite random, but I've been speaking with Inject and he made me aware that I should make a thread for this, asking which type of server would bring in more members. CS:S is old but still has members playing ZE, ZM, Minigames, and Jail Break.. They're all equally active, but CS:GO offers ZE with better graphics which might want players to join it, but I doubt it because CS:GO seems a more competitive game then anything!

Kind Regards,


Live Bait:
Sorry. Wish I played so I could help decide.

I'm sure that this was brought up before, CS:S could be no problem.

I heard that CS:GO is a Hell to set up, so I guess that is an instant no but who knows.

Inject OH 4:
I use to play CSS Competitively. And I'd love to setup a CG scrimmage event for CSS or CS:GO sometime. I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of a mini CG Clan Division. I'm not sure we'd have enough members interested in it though.


--- Quote from: Inject OH 4 on April 01, 2014, 06:31:52 AM ---I use to play CSS Competitively. And I'd love to setup a CG scrimmage event for CSS or CS:GO sometime. I've always had the idea in the back of my mind of a mini CG Clan Division. I'm not sure we'd have enough members interested in it though.

--- End quote ---
For CS:S I imagine I could get 4-5 guys, probably to play.. They're really big into CS:GO competitive though.


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