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Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: 28 Jan, 2010 17:52 »
Believing that we evolved from other creatures as did other animals, is way more plausible than believing we were just spawned from dust. The only thing religious people have against nonbelievers is that argument exactly. It's rather annoying really because yes. It is more believable than all the fiction packed into a novel that we wouldn't expect to see outside of a fantasy novel. If you read the same stories put in different context in a different book, and we're asked if it were fact or fiction, a person with a functioning brain would say it's fiction. When you read and understand evolution, it actually does make a lot of sense. Religious people think we we're put here for a purpose, and I think that is just silly. We weren't created, we were practically accidents. An accident in science that had positive results and was repeated. Kind of like the solar system. It wasn't made so earth would be at just the right distance from the sun to support life. It was just a really fortunate happening that resulted eventually in life. So I believe that's a gift indeed. Science put us here, not a deity who was just like "I think I'll make a universe because I'm bored doing nothing."

Help Section / Re: Help with ZPS
« on: 28 Jan, 2010 03:18 »
There are free ways too get games... threeword guy...

/hides behind cloak in dark alley and laughs to self

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to speak such things on this forum though..

Debate Forum / Re: Religion Thread
« on: 28 Jan, 2010 03:06 »
Screw you, I so made a religion thread, spent 10 minutes typing, just to see you made one. Oh well I guess I can just paste it here...

Here we go.

I don't believe in religion. I understand it's importance in the dark ages and how it came to be, seeing as the human race was primitive and feeble minded still. They couldn't understand anything and people felt that perhaps there were deities controlling the weather and whatnot. I mean when I was five years old, the belief that a god put the world here was so believable. I was always asking questions on the limits of gods power and was amazed by it. As I grew older and payed more attention at Sunday services I started asking more questions that started my doubt in the christian god I believed in so avidly up until then. At the age of thirteen I was so full of doubts I stopped believing. It wasn't until me and my friend Kiyka started talking again and got into an argument with a few Christians online two years later, that I had the new belief of atheism. When a girl about a year or two younger than me tried to explain the creation of the grand canyon and mountains/valleys with the argument that the Noah's flood created them, the argument persisted. She had never even heard of plate tectonics, because her private christian school didn't teach it to her. I mean really? All the mountains, valleys, canyons, caves and rest of the worlds topography created by a 40day flood? And there was no rain ever until that flood? How was life supported with no precipitation? Where the hell did all the water that just came out of nowhere, go? It covered the entire world then just disappeared? If the only people alive in the world were on Noah's boat, wouldn't the worlds population(5-50 people I guess) die out in the next century from inbreeding? I mean.. aifjadigajgi

Now I know that there are more enlightened Christians out there than the 14 year old girl who had an IQ of a fish, but seriously, how do people believe such silly things?

Religious Topics to be argued:

Free Will
Creation of the World
Existence of Jesus
How the story of Jesus is the same of other messiahs throughout time
How much war has been caused by religions
Why believe?
How do we know the people who wrote the bible weren't just hopping on the religion bandwagon and made everything up?
What the fuck is Scientology about anyway?

General Gaming Talk / Re: DnD Online
« on: 21 Jan, 2010 17:21 »
If I had the time I would draw a picture of wholegrain literally in a pickle with the caption "Wow. I wouldn't be here if I had just slowed down and read everything.."

General Gaming Talk / Re: DnD Online
« on: 21 Jan, 2010 00:05 »
LOL Wholegrain and his looking over stuff too fast.

I want to buy the actual game and play but all my friends would never do that, except kiyka. And P90 maybe.. lol

The online games pretty cool though

General Gaming Talk / DnD Online
« on: 20 Jan, 2010 03:40 »

This is a free mmorpg. It's pretty amazing from what I've seen so far. It looks nice, plays pretty nice too. Only problem I have with it is no loot. It is pretty good really. I think everyone should play and do quests with me :D

So far I'm a level 2, rank 9, Halfling Rouge. xD

Seriously though. It's hawt. Oh and don't mind the horrible voice acting by the female cleric on the first tutorial quest. FOR THE FLAMEEE.

Good game though. Best free mmo out there some say.

GET IT. Play on Sarlona, and add me. PillzXcrashed :D I'll love you forever.

Help Section / how2do ?_?
« on: 05 Jan, 2010 18:32 »
Here is the format for any help requests, please follow: Follow who? Where? Why?! WHY AM I FOLLOWING PEOPLE. HOW2TOAST

Help Request Subject:
how2make a toast

Specific people needed to read this: Everyone. This is = srs.

Summarize help request in one sentence:

Additional Info: My toast is wanteding to be maked. Is butter somehow involvified?

Importance level(low,medium,high): Super duper high.

Steam related?: I guess if you cook it hot enough there might be steam. I Really don't know. I'm asking you guys!

Please copy and paste this into your message without the top/first and bottom/last sentences: NO!!

I am rly hoping u guize can help me. Toast is hardso to make. I make tried to do it once and blew whole town to piecereens! I men i mad tha toast but WHOLE TOWN WAS TOAST TOO! LOL!!
Plz help!

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