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Messages - andyoh0123

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General Gaming Talk / attention RUST players!!!!
« on: 07 Jan, 2014 23:48 »
The 1/2 craft server is now whitelist only due to hackers. It will be better now but to be whitelisted you must message IceWater-e with you steamid64....
Here is the link to convert your steam ID to steamid64:

GarrysMod / Re: 67thway
« on: 26 Sep, 2013 23:51 »
Agreed with dyldo. The map is good, the version sucks. It should be fixed not removed.  discofrog  discofrog discofrog (aids) discofrog discofrog discofrog discofrog discofrog

GarrysMod / Re: 67thway
« on: 26 Sep, 2013 23:29 »

General Discussions / Re: Gaming/Computer Setups
« on: 23 Sep, 2013 03:22 »
Administrator Comment Aw that's cute (sarcasm), but maybe you should read the rules: 11) Illegal Activities will not be discussed, suggested, engaged in, encouraged, or bragged about here.

What type of suggestion?: Big Bertha fix
What does it do?: Allow Big Bertha to pickup ammo
Why should it be added?:Big Bertha is cool, but not very practical. It is basically never picked because Vintar is the better counterpart, allowing it to pickup ammo will make the Bertha more ideal and more people want to use it.

Admin Abuse / Re: Đante the Đaemon
« on: 20 Aug, 2013 00:24 »
Just wanna say me and Dante talked on steam and we apologized and talked it out maturely and professionally, the rooftops issue has been resolved.

As for anyone interested in the mw2 incident screenshot:

Admin Abuse / Re: Đante the Đaemon
« on: 19 Aug, 2013 19:27 »
Forgot to add after rooftops, I was RDM'd twice on roy the ship and I didn't report it and Dante did not ask anything (which is fine). To me it just seems like he was eager to slay me.

Rooftops: It is Dante's job to ask the damage and to as if a slay should be applied, but the logs should say this although with the ax I don't know if it shows up. And with Dante holding the axe in the doorway, was he doing it purposefully, or walking by it and you screenshotted?
Thanks for the input and Dante was just door blocking with the axe, which is perfectly fine I agree, but he shouldn't be eager to slay me when he does the same thing.

Global Moderator Comment Merged comments. Please do not double post.

Admin Abuse / Đante the Đaemon
« on: 19 Aug, 2013 18:41 »
Name of player reporting abuse: Andyoh
Server: ttt
Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Đante the Đaemon
In which server did the abuse occur?: ttt

What occurred, what did the abuse consist of: rdm, refuse to slay-self, targeting
8/15 (RDM, Refuse to slay) On mw2 terminal, I was playing on Deeeen's account (friend IRL), and just killed a traitor. Then Dante kills me by mistake and would not slay himself when I asked him to. ((Will get screenshots when Deeeen sends them to me))
8/19 (Targeting) On rooftops I was holding the electiric axe when me and Herpderp collided and I damaged Herpderp for 50 damage and was then killed. Dante continuously asked Herpderp in chat if he wanted me slain and how much damage I did to Herpderp.
8/19 (RDM) On roy the ship, as innocent, I hit the health station continuously intending to break it. Herpderp hit the station a few times then stopped. After I destroyed it, I was killed and Herpderp was too. Dante argues that simply hitting the station is killable.

What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): 8/15 (time unknown) 8/19 (2-4 pm)

Please link any evidence (videos, screen shots, etc.):

mw2 terminal incident will be posted when Deeeen sends screenshots.

Rooftops Incident:

The way Herpderp and I collided was accidental and occurred in a similar doorway and manner that Dante uses the axe here:

Roy the ship incident:

Additional comments:
I just want to say I hate to create another abuse thread especially for the same admin and I do not mean to target Dante in anyway, but almost a month later he still seems to lack general understanding of the rules. Also, I will post the mw2 terminal incident when Deeeen is able to send me the screenshots.

me and the mlg Deeeen. (he's the foreign one)

Admin Abuse / Re: Đante the Đaemon
« on: 21 Jul, 2013 19:08 »
Alright dude I don't know what to do because everything I say you claim is a lie. Everything I posted is true.

Admin Abuse / Re: Đante the Đaemon
« on: 21 Jul, 2013 18:36 »
HerpDerp isn't lying, about 6 or 7 people were saying that it is not killable and Dante threatened to mute the next person who said it for arguing with an admin.

Admin Abuse / Re: Đante the Đaemon
« on: 21 Jul, 2013 18:10 »
Firstly you told me simply jumping to the building was considered killable, as you were getting ready to kill me and DarkYellow the round after that before we even did, which we were joking about; and I did go behind the walls after you already threatened to slay.

For the axe, the round that I killed 3 people with it was a few days earlier than 7/20. Also, that day I did not kill anyone with the axe, but I hid the axe and then people ran into it; a player something along the lines of Asphaltxx consistently ran into it as a joke. The round I intentionally killed 5 people with it I was a traitor. For me, electrifying the axe is always just a fun thing that makes the round more interesting.

Also I did post a while back saying "I dont even like ttt I just come to troll", and in context you could tell I was joking. You're calling me a troll but I'm always just joking around messing with some props or something goofy when you call me a troll.

Admin Abuse / Đante the Đaemon
« on: 21 Jul, 2013 03:07 »
Name of player reporting abuse: Andyoh

Server: ttt

Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Đante the Đaemon

In which server did the abuse occur?: ttt

What occurred, what did the abuse consist of: Wrongful slay, wrongful call-outs, threaten to ban with ill-reasoning (reason: ragequit)

What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): 7/19 (ragequit threat + wrongful slay); 7/20 (wrongful KOSing)

Please link any evidence (videos, screen shots, etc.):

7/19 Dante talks about banning Energizer for ragequitting after a mute

7/19 location I landed where I was threatened a slay

7/19 location I was slain at

7/20 Dante stating electrifying the axe is killable and him killing me another round for doing it again.
(Video currently uploading)

Additional comments:
On 7/19 Dante said that he could have banned Energizer for "rage quitting, along with other reasons". Later that day on the map camel, I was slain for discombob-jumping to the small building; Dante said that discombob-jumping was considered glitching and he could ban me for 1 hour.

I understand my proof against the slay here is vague but I'm sure Dante will admit to slaying me.

On 7/20 Dante said that simply electrifying the axe was KOSable. I was killed once for simply carrying the axe by another player and Dante took no action against him. Later he saw me electrify the axe and simply killed me.

Maps Area / Re: Cannot run/compile map
« on: 22 Jun, 2013 18:23 »
yes I tried that and it would not launch, it says something like map not found. the same result you get from typing "map dsafpwuefj" (random letters)

Maps Area / Re: Cannot run/compile map
« on: 22 Jun, 2013 18:02 »
I already set the source SDK to save the map to garrysmod/garrysmod/maps and it is there; MAPNAME.bsp along with MAPNAME text document, MAPNAME.prt MAPNAME.vmf, and MAPNAME.vmx, I just cannot select the map in Gmod.

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