CG Gaming Section > No More Room In Hell

Servers down?

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So I'm not sure what's going on. Seemed to be fine not too long ago. But the servers no longer show up on the server list, nor can I join them.

Whenever I try to join using the connect command I get "Unexpected Authentication Error."

Anyone? :/

Can you join others? Because that error just looks like a problem on your side. Restarting steam mostly fixes it.

All of the ones on the master list work fine. I only get it when I try to join CG servers.

It's also immediate. Doesn't even give time for a loading screen to pop up at all.

They need to be updated (IIRC though now it may be a different issue.). I'd intended to find out how/do it myself but I never had the chance.

It doesn't show up on the master server list. I don't know enough about the game but I'd presume that it's because the server for us still called NMRiH which implies, I think, that the server is outdated, considering the fact that all the other servers are called "No More Room in Hell", though perhaps I am mistaken.

I managed to fix the banners for the servers for gametracker earlier so they appeared online for the forums and for the server list (because in fact they are). That does not however mean you can join the servers obviously, because the servers are still outdated, I think.

Most of what I've said is guesswork, frankly I could be completely wrong. I suggest that Inject or any CL with the FTP perms to change/fix these servers and get them set up correctly on the database, or w/e, actually do that. Either fix it, scrap it and be done with NMRiH, or put up 2 new NMRiH servers in place of these two.


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