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Topics - Red

Pages: [1] 2
Hidden: Source / Here. -_-
« on: July 25, 2014, 03:03:41 PM »
Since chatbox messages seem to get lost/ignored/done incorrectly.

Replace your current smac_cvars.smx by compiling the smac_cvars.sp below. Use this to compile it: http://www.sourcemod.net/compiler.php Or rather, you can't -_- sourcemod is confused easily it would seem. Instead use the spcomp.exe in your \hidden\addons\sourcemod\scripting folder to compile it.

Another thing you can do is add the following to the end of your smac.cfg found here: \hidden\cfg\sourcemod\smac.cfg

smac_addcvar mat_fullbright equal ban 0

I met two cheaters yesterday that were clearly using mat_fullbright -_- I'd send you their SteamIDs along with the demo files I recorded, but why bother. All you need to do to remedy the situation is add my suggestions to your SMAC. Good luck CG.

Ban Request / Grim Reaper
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:47:37 AM »
Your name in-game: Ragdoll/Red

Offender's name in-game: Grimreaper, more or less.

Date/Time of the offence: Today

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81831218

Server: Hidden: Source

Any administrators on the server?: Not anymore.

What was the problem/offense?: Hackin'

    • Proof: Demo files

    • Other comments: Appears to have either deleted textures or found some other way of hacking. I have more demos but I can't upload them/don't feel like putting them up on filesmelt, so these 2 will do.

Note: His account seems to be a dummy/throw away account, banning him won't keep him out for long if he's determined.

Good-guy Red to the rescue.

Hidden: Source / Hidden Admin List
« on: January 19, 2014, 05:12:47 AM »
Hidden: Source Admin List

Head Admin

Head Admin Assistant

Veteran Admins

Regular Admins
Live Bait

Trial Admins

Moderator Comment Changelog out of date

Change Log:
Code: [Select]
Red retired.
Live Bait retired.
Toxxie retired.
EagleWulf retired.
Ima retired.
DBag retired.
Red resigned from Head Admin. -January 19, 2014
Kwarte added as Trial Admin. -January7 7. 2014
Blazyd added to admin list. -January 6, 2014
Wooley added to admin list. -January 5, 2014
Blue Belladonna transferred to NMRiH. December 20, 2013
Fluffalupagus transfered/doubling admin over to/on NMRiH. - December 15, 2013
Pyro resigned from admin on all servers except for NMRiH. -December 15, 2013
Blue Belladonna added as Regular Admin. -December 09, 2013
Blue Belladonna resigned as Head Admin Assistant. -December 09, 2013
Dark Red promoted to Head Admin. -December 08, 2013
Pyro added as Veteran Admin. -December 06, 2013
Pyro resigned as Head Admin. -December 06, 2013
MissScarlettLegacy changed name to Blue Belladonna.
Red changed name to Dark Red.
Ima|Haelin promoted to Head Admin Assistant. -November 28, 2013
MissScarlettLegacy promoted to Head Admin Assistant. -November 28, 2013
Red promoted to Global Admin. -November 28, 2013
Echochrome4 resigned as Admin. -November 13, 2013
Burgers-13 resigned as admin. -August 29, 2013
Red promoted to Veteran Admin. -October 12, 2013
Ima|Haelin added as Trial Admin. -October 12, 2013
MissScarlettLegacy added as Trial Admin. -October 12, 2013
Proxy(Toxxie) added as Trial Admin -October 12, 2013
DBag promoted to Regular Admin. -October 12, 2013
EagleWulf promoted to Regular Admin. -October 12, 2013
Fluffalupagus promoted to Regular Admin. -October 12, 2013
Cash Prizes removed from admin. -September 16, 2013
DBag added as Trial Admin. -September 11, 2013
EagleWulf added as Trial Admin. -August 27, 2013
Fluffalupagus added as Trial Admin. -August 20, 2013
Burgers-13 promoted to Regular Admin. -August 20, 2013
Leninade resigned as admin. -August 13, 2013
Wooley resigned as admin. -July 15, 2013
Muffins resigned as admin. -July 07, 2013
Blazyd resigned as admin. -June 25, 2013
Burgers-13 added as Trial Admin. -June 26, 2013
CashPrizes promoted to Regular Admin. -
Echochrome4 promoted to Regular Admin. -
Leninade promoted to Regular Admin. -
Live Bait promoted to Regular Admin. -
Dylan/Faceguy resigned as admin. -May 22, 2013
Mr.Rainbow resigned as admin. -May 15, 2013
Muffins added to admin list. -
CashPrizes added as Trial Admin. -May 06, 2013
Echochrome4 added as Trial Admin. -May 04, 2013
Leninade added as Trial Admin. -April 28, 2013
Live Bait added as Trial Admin. -April 28, 2013
Dylan/FaceGuy added as Trial Admin. - April 26, 2013
BlackLlama resigned as admin. -April 15, 2013
Blazyd added to admin list. -
Mr.Rainbow added as trial admin. -April 11, 2013
Red promoted to Regular Admin. -
Justice resigned as admin. -March 31, 2013
Red added as Trial Admin. -March 14, 2013
Wellrgr resigned as admin. -March 5, 2013
Justice added as Trial Admin. -February 25, 2013
Welrgr promoted to Regular Admin. -February 25, 2013 (presumably)
Wellrgr added as Trial admin. -January 11, 2013
IsYn Wooley added to admin list. -<2013
Pyro promoted to Head Admin -<2013

Admin Resignation / Red's Resignation from HA
« on: January 19, 2014, 04:28:06 AM »
In-Game Name: (=CG=) Red, Red, ÉŒed,   etc.

Which server(s) are you resigning from?: Head Admin of CG's Hidden servers, of course. I'll keep Vet Admin I suppose, for now (assuming of course I'm allowed to).

Steam ID: Irrelevant, I'll edit my permissions myself in SourceBans.

Reason for resignation: Inject, you've removed my FTP, without due cause I might add. No FTP means I can't do anything to fix the ranks, add new plugins, etc, etc. Why should I hold a position that isn't real, Inject?

Temporary?: ... Who knows.

Comments: Don't post anything stupid or foolish on my resignation guys, I'm being perfectly serious and I want you all to be civil.

Admin Time Away Forum / Shrugs*
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:07:27 PM »
If you are going to be away for a period longer than 2-3 days, make a thread with the following information.: Mkay

Name: Dark Red, as you can see by looking at my forum profile -_-

Time you are leaving: Now of course.

In Which server you are admin on: Hidden I guess

Estimated time/date of return: ... Not really leaving. I don't know, eventually, a few weeks? The heck should I know.

Additional Comments: More of an inactivity notice, I've got some personal stuff going on right now + other things. I'll still be here just not as active, PM me your problems if is hidden related and I should be able to take care of them.

Remember CL's and HA's are not exempt from using the Admin Time Away Format. Please do not misuse the format. Thank you.: Mkay.

CG Community Suggestions / Server Names
« on: November 27, 2013, 05:34:01 PM »
Put the tag (=CG=) at the beginning of every server, like how ZPS has its server. It will put us higher on the list (when listed alphabetically) and make it easier for players to find us.
(=CG=)| Hidden #1| P-Shove | Random  |ConjointGaming.com
(=CG=)| Hidden #2| P-Shove | Weighted|ConjointGaming.com
(=CG=)| Hidden #3| P-Stick   | Weighted|ConjointGaming.com
(=CG=)| Hidden #4| P-Stick   | Weighted|Custom Maps| ConjointGaming.com
(=CG=)|ZPS|Slaughter House | Conjointgaming.com


Thoughts? Concerns? Other ideas?

Solved Applications / [GM/GA*] ÉŒed
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:12:13 AM »
In game name: A variant of ÉŒed or ÉŒed [C:G].

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Pillz, Blood Mage Merrill

Age: 17

How long have you been with CG: 287 days or 9 months and 14 days.

What country are you from (and time zone): USA, EST.

Link to your steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078704045

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59219158

Do you have past admin/forum experience: Yes to the admin experience, no to the forum experience.

What makes you want to apply for this position/admin: The sheer amount of inactive admins we have here in CG is stupendous, I can help tidy things up. Not only that but the servers need some help in major ways as well. I am on the forums a lot. I tend to read everything be they weird topics about undying animals to extremely important topics regarding CG's future. I know what's going on.

What admin-like/helpful qualities do you possess: Most of them I'd like to think. I'm fair when fairness is due, I'm kind when kindness is due, and I'm just when justness is due. I tend to keep my cool pretty well when I'm angry. I love to help people. I'm not scared of reading large walls of text if I know it's important, heck, I'll even read it if it's unimportant, it doesn't matter to me.

Do you use a Microphone: Yes.

What position are you applying for: GM, however I'd like to opt in for GA.

Do you use our TS server: I do if need be. I have it on the task-bar of my computer, so it's always within easy reach. In other words: Yes.

Please list at least 5(Because I don't know whether the position of GA would be considered to be that of a forum position or an admin position or a combination of the two) CG rules in your own words and why they're important to CG:
Spoiler for Hidden:
  • No Personal Attacks: Basically this, if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all. Keep your thoughts/feelings about someone to yourself, what's the point of hurting someone and making an enemy who you'll have to deal with every day that you're in CG.
  • Thread Spamming: Don't post random nonsense on threads, especially important threads. Why bother wasting everyone's time by spamming pointless posts everywhere, what is the point, there isn't one.
  • Minimal Cussing: Don't swear a ton for no reason, there's no point to it. My opinion has always been that if you are going to swear then it should be for a good reason, otherwise all it does is make you seem childish (in my opinion). Try being creative, blight, mother trucker, and oh no are all favorites of mine. We mean it dammit blight it.
  • No Posting Pornographic Content of Any Kind: Frankly I can't imagine why anyone would even think of doing something like this on a forum. We have young members here in CG for one and it would be the equivalent of distributing pornography to minors (there are many more reasons I could list but that'll do for now). If you can't look at it in a living room surrounded by your grandparents, aunts, uncle, etc then you shouldn't post it.
  • Do Not Post Personal Information of Others Without Their Explicit Permission: This seems obvious but people still do it anyways. Many people enjoy their privacy, especially over the internet, sharing their personal information with others against their will is a huge violation of their privacy, don't do it.
Additional Notes: I've combined the requirements for an application between a forum position and a server position due to the fact that I'd like to be a GA, which appears to be a combination of the two.

Solved Applications / ÉŒed For Community Leader
« on: November 11, 2013, 11:56:30 PM »
Name: ÉŒed

Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Old Crow (I think he still counts), Burgers, and hopefully the rest of the hidden admins too.

Do you have past admin experience: Yeah.

Why you wish to be CL: Forums need some help and I think I definitely can.

What country are you from: USA

Age: 17

Additional Notes:
I can help, I tend to get along with most of CG and when I don't I can generally keep my mouth shut and grit my teeth. I understand the responsibilities that would become mine. I can talk to people and help their problems.

Admin Time Away Forum / ÉŒed [Hidden]: Yeah so, I need a break..
« on: November 05, 2013, 03:28:54 AM »
If you are going to be away for a period longer than 2-3 days, make a thread with the following information. Mkay, will do then.

Name: ÉŒed

Time you are leaving: not really "leaving" but after I finish this post..

In Which server you are admin on: Mostly Hidden..

Estimated time/date of return: 3-4 weeks at the most, 1 week at least

Additional Comments: Sorta tired of admining right now, I'm sure lots of you know what that's like. I've also gotten a bit "too" good at the game (no I'm not being big headed or trying to inflate my ego.. It's true), it's kind of tiring to constantly win over and over. I need to play other games for a bit (which is why I'm making this time away, since I won't be playing much Hidden).

Also, I'm writing this at 12 am and I have a massive headache so I blame that for any grammatical errors I have in my time away post...

Note for the other Hidden admins:
Spoiler for Hidden:
I will still be available if you need me to addbans and edit bans and you can always ask me for advice. I'm taking a break, I'm not resigning or something, so I can still help you guys out if need be.

General Gaming Talk / AWE Me - Skyrim
« on: August 29, 2013, 02:57:50 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t58WCSn5lNI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t58WCSn5lNI</a>

Pretty cool...

Admin Time Away Forum / Extended Time away
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:41:20 AM »
Name: Red

Time you are leaving: August 4

In Which server you are admin on: Hidden source

Estimated time/date of return: Unknown, I'm just so tired right now. Gonna play MC for a while. Everything that occurred previously is resolved in my opinion.

Additional information: I will still be on the forums, I just need some time away from admining the servers, it will make things a lot more calming and less stressful this way. If you have any questions PM me on steam or here in the forums.

Help Section / Making a Small Server
« on: July 16, 2013, 03:17:02 AM »
Help Request Subject: Making a hidden server

Specific people needed to read this: Anyone who can help, as always

Summarize help request in one sentence: I want to make a small hidden server

Additional Info: I just wanna know how I would create a server in which I could have 2-3 players max that I could lock to play The Hidden in. I've tried the create a server option in the game but all that does is open up a LAN and no one who I'd like to have in my server would want to do it via LAN. I know there's a way to do it with this one thing (I think it is called hamachi or something?) but that seems... Not difficult but pointless and annoying. I intend to try to teach players what I know in hidden without having other players join and stop the lesson. Also it would be fun to have some 1 on 1 against some of my friends. How would I make a server, and how would I put it up on the server list? I've wondered how to do this for several months now but I figured I might as well ask now cause why not.. Stupid idea? Yeah maybe but I might as well ask anyways.

Importance level(low,medium,high): Low-Medium

Steam related: sorta

Admin Time Away Forum / Time to go camping - Red
« on: July 13, 2013, 01:15:33 PM »
Name:... Red obviously.

Time you are leaving: When I finish writing this time away.  -.-

In Which server you are admin on: The Hidden servers.

Estimated time/date of return: A week or so, might get back around the 20th of July in the year 2013

Additional Comments: No I think that covers it, be good while I'm gone children, especially you two Live Bait and Leninade. Hooligans.

Help Section / Mouse issues
« on: July 10, 2013, 07:01:21 PM »
Help Request Subject: Mouse movement help.

Specific people needed to read this: Anyone who can help, any suggestion that could help would be appreciated

Summarize help request in one sentence:Myself and several people I've met and played with (not all of them mind you) have had an issue where the mouse will randomly... pause then skip over a space then repeat; this causes a jerky effect that makes it very hard to aim or move smoothly.

Additional Info: I think I summed up the issue, most of the mouses are 2.0 (from what I've heard, but the computer mice in question are all supposedly in good condition) we also have them plugged into the right USB ports so that's no issue as far as I know... Suggestions?

Importance level(low,medium,high): Not too high, between low and medium.

Steam related?: Sorta, it's not as bad when I'm not playing a game, actually the only time I have this issue is when I am playing a steam game, which leads me to believe that it's steam related. I don't know if this is the same for the other people (the steam bit).

Admin Time Away Forum / Similar to Len...
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:02:59 AM »
3 days away... or more (heck if I remember), gotta spend time with my relatives. Won't be leaving until about 8 P.M. to get to the place that I'm going but I have to work until 6:30 so I won't be making any posts or doing any administrating on the servers either. Ta-Tah, have fun kiddies. 

Pages: [1] 2

* ShoutBox!

Refresh History
  • Careful what you post. Forum rules still apply in the shoutbox!
  • Pyro: happy birthday Tyber
    July 14, 2024, 01:55:16 PM
  • Finniespin: More of a Patrick Hernandez guy - Born to be Alive
    June 16, 2024, 09:14:27 AM
  • Sly: Aaron Hernandez was a legend of a man
    June 14, 2024, 01:46:02 AM
  • Finniespin: how? what?
    June 01, 2024, 06:28:43 PM
  • Inject OH 4: Lost my discord rip
    May 30, 2024, 12:14:57 AM
  • Finniespin: yoooooooo!
    April 03, 2024, 05:32:48 PM
  • Coreybush11: bump
    April 01, 2024, 10:59:48 PM
  • Finniespin: wut
    March 28, 2024, 05:01:26 PM
  • Inject OH 4: And yes thank you very much Finnie! You are a champion xP
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:12 PM
  • Inject OH 4: Hey abrys agreed we should.
    March 22, 2024, 05:59:02 PM
  • Finniespin: Totally not a spam-bot, also totally not a limited time offer
    March 03, 2024, 05:25:06 PM
  • Finniespin: Anyone looking for a datacenter technician job? We got postings available around US and Europe (EMEA)
    February 17, 2024, 07:23:12 AM
  • Finniespin: https://www.google.com/about/careers/applications/jobs/results/118336179041903302-data-center-technician-global-server-operations
    February 17, 2024, 07:20:25 AM
  • Finniespin: Gave Inject 50 euros to pay for fees ^^
    February 17, 2024, 07:17:42 AM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: we gotta get the crew together again one day and hang, add me on discord: ogarbies
    February 12, 2024, 06:52:07 PM
  • xXArbysOvenMittXx: yo who is still paying for this lol
    February 12, 2024, 06:19:47 PM
  • Klondor: wow CG still lives, mind blown
    February 09, 2024, 05:13:53 AM
  • Finniespin: The website is back online!!!
    February 06, 2024, 03:17:05 PM
  • Inject OH 4: xD
    January 14, 2024, 05:55:44 PM
  • Finniespin: Get a load of this guy
    December 16, 2023, 09:16:03 AM
  • Inject OH 4: Sure
    December 09, 2023, 07:22:27 PM
  • HailToTheKing: cum shot . and cum shot. an d cum shot
    December 01, 2023, 01:54:12 PM
  • Finniespin: ffuck
    November 24, 2023, 03:43:47 PM
  • Inject OH 4: ee
    October 12, 2023, 01:13:56 AM
  • Sly: dd
    August 09, 2023, 03:13:48 AM
  • Inject OH 4: cc
    August 03, 2023, 09:51:36 PM
  • Finniespin: bb
    August 02, 2023, 06:12:50 PM
  • Inject OH 4: aa
    July 04, 2023, 10:29:35 PM
  • Shikaru: Been a very long time
    February 20, 2023, 05:42:04 PM
  • Shikaru: Oh wow my account is STILL active :)
    February 20, 2023, 05:42:00 PM
  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: yooo we got a lovense sponsor???
    December 16, 2022, 03:45:43 PM
  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: holy shit
    December 16, 2022, 03:45:24 PM
  • Napoleon BonaPARTY: oh wow its still here
    December 16, 2022, 03:45:21 PM
  • HailToTheKing: legends never die
    October 16, 2022, 01:28:09 PM
  • Live Bait: Oh wow. Still remember my old password.
    September 23, 2022, 08:37:38 AM
  • Mr_Rainbow: Still alive. Hope all is well with everyone this Christmas
    December 09, 2021, 03:31:04 AM
  • SlyWilliam: Much love, from our MC server to our ZPS server <3
    December 07, 2021, 10:23:37 PM
  • SlyWilliam: For the record, I don't REALLY remember all of you, but goddamn do I MISS all of you <3
    December 07, 2021, 10:23:10 PM
  • Pyro: parrot
    September 07, 2021, 05:23:18 AM
  • Inject OH 4: Do you mean for people that haven't come on in a long time and have to reagree?
    August 02, 2021, 11:39:42 PM

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