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Minecraft / Oh crap, WHAT DO!?
« on: 07 Apr, 2013 07:15 »

I don't know wut to do :@

In The News / EA Attempts to buy out Valve (tad old)
« on: 07 Mar, 2013 19:08 »

EA actually attempted to buy valve in September of 2012.

However Gabe said "Valve would sooner disintegrate than sell out to a major publisher."
And then also saying, "the likelihood of his fiercely independent company selling to an Electronic Arts, or one of the other major multi-national publishers like Activision or Ubisoft, is about as likely Nintendo selling off the Mario brand."


Zombie Master / Spray Trace - Readded!
« on: 09 Feb, 2013 21:04 »
Current Setting Modifications.
//How long the burn punishment is for. 0 to disable.
sm_spray_burntime 0
sm_spray_slapdamage 0
sm_spray_drugtime 0
//def 0 Changes showing the trace messages on HUD. 0 - Only admin can trace sprays 1 - All players can trace all sprays 2 - All players can trace all non-admin sprays.
sm_spray_enableslay 1
sm_spray_autoremove 1
//sm_spray_usehud (default: 1) - Enables or disables using the HUD for spray tracking. Works on supported games. If this is off, hint will be used.
//sm_spray_hudtime (default: 1.0) - How long the HUD messages are displayed.

Quote from: AlliedMods Website
Trace a player's spray on any surface
Remove a player's spray from any surface
Spray any player's spray logo on command

The punishments including a text warning, a warning and burning the player, a warning and slaying the player, kick, temporary ban, or permanent ban.

    sm_spraytrace - Traces the spray in front of you and displays the punishment menu.
    sm_removespray - Removes the spray in front of you and displays the punishment menu
    sm_adminspray "name" - Sprays the player's spray in front of you
    "Trace Spray", "Remove Spray", and "Admin Spray" are also added on to the Server Commands admin menu.

Programming / A Look Into Tutorial #4
« on: 29 Jan, 2013 17:41 »
In tutorial #4 We will be making a cool "Blackjack" game application.

We will then expand upon it on the following Project Tutorial (Tutorial #6), and then maybe make some really cool finishing edits to it for Tutorial # 8 or start a whole new program for that tutorial.

Anyways, I'm going to be putting a shit ton of work into this so please make sure to leave comments below and tell me what you think. Also if you have any suggestions to a tutorial you would like to see or something you would like to learn. Including if you like this application we will be making. This tutorial will require you to download Resource files for the sounds, pictures, etc that we will be using to make this a premium quality application ;)

The Art Forum / How much would you pay for a fish?
« on: 29 Jan, 2013 16:36 »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Lets, be honest.
1 Pound. (no I'm not going to find the alt key)

In The News / Game Devs Are Child Molesters
« on: 25 Jan, 2013 11:52 »,news-16646.html

Well now that this cat is out of the bag. We can all admit it. Video Game Devs, are virtual child molesters.

"...protect their children, family by family, from these kinds of electronic child molesters."

In The News / Ohhh Spam Email... You so funny!
« on: 23 Jan, 2013 11:18 »
So, I got a little something, something in my spam box...
lol, you should read it and tell me what you think.
Sandy Hook Shooting Never Happened!

Excerpt from Muad'Dib's January 7th, 2013 Critical Mass Radio interview:

...They used a poster child for this to get everybody's sympathy and to get everybody's emotions up so that they could hopefully bring in a gun ban. They used a little poster child, a little blonde-haired blue-eyed six year old girl. She was the face, the poster child. She was supposedly killed along with the other 19 six year olds and seven year olds at Sandy Hook. Three days later Obama was there doing a photo op and she's sitting on his knee. She's supposed to be dead, used as a poster child, this little girl died - she's sitting on Obama's knee three days later. The same little girl.

And then they have her parents interviewed. It shows that they're all actors. It never really happened, because the guy that was supposedly her dad, is shown in the video where he's to the side and he's laughing and joking with other people and then he's called up in front of the camera. He's off to the left. Then he's called to the center, to the focus of the camera to be interviewed and to give his speech about Sandy Hook and about his daughter. And he goes from on the side from laughing and joking with everybody, he comes up to the center and ... he takes the joking, smiling face off and you can see him physically trying to force his face to look sad and then he starts talking about how his daughter's been killed. They're actors. There were no bodies.

It was a made for TV drama to try to ram through the gun control laws, because they want to kill the American people and they can't kill armed people. That's why Hitler disarmed the Germans, it's why Stalin disarmed the Russians, it's why chairman Mao disarmed the Chinese and they killed between them something like 120 million of their own people. And that's what they want to do in America and they can't do it because the people have the Second Amendment and they have guns. So they have to do all of this, and they'll keep doing it. There will be more incidents like this, which are made for television, until they manage to persuade the American people to give up their guns. And then they'll start killing the Americans. Because the Americans are the only people stopping them from doing what they want to do already. They know they can't put their next phase, which is reducing the world's population, they can't put that phase into operation whilst the Americans have got millions
of guns.

Voice Server / *NEW* Custom Channel Rooms Ventrilo!
« on: 11 Jan, 2013 12:22 »
Well, as you can see the "Slot Limit" sized rooms have been removed and essentially replaced with Custom Channel rooms. These rooms are intended for when you are talking to people on something unrelated to any other channel. If players are in 1 room, you must respect the majority and not go off topic or annoy them. For example if players in Custom Channel Room 1, are playing ARMA 3 and you run in screaming about how much you love kittens, you are then infact breaking the rules.

Please respect everyone on ventrilo. Ventrilo is a public conversation client for CG members. Do not be a troll!

Well, it would be nice to have a HA for our hidden source server. Since it is a prime server of ours we'd like to make sure it has the utmost quality and standards among our servers. I believe Pyro as HA would be a great pick to continue upon the foundation built in our current Hidden Servers. Please leave your comments below for or against this.

+1 and -1 are acceptable along side with your response are reasoning. As always be polite and be decisive. Thanks :)

Topic will be held up for a while so that everyone can shoot in their opinion. Since it's around the holidays I'll leave this open a tad longer incase people are away. Anyways thanks ;)

May the odds be ever in your favor
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Lets all put up our hands for how well this server is going. NS2 Is populated a lot!

Rookie Friendly Server. What do you all think about the game, and are you entered into the contest to win a copy?

Lets talk first a little about programming and computers in general.

Primitive Data Types - Short Version

Numerical Primitive Data Types
Byte type can hold numbers between 128 to 127
Short − 32,768 to 32,767
Int − 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Long − 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Double, and float are also data types these hold decimal values (IE: 9.333, 3.0, etc)

Other Primitive Data Types
Char - This holds a single character, an example would be the letter 'a', it can not hold multiple letters or sentences.
Boolean - This holds a value of either True, Or False.

A String Data Type?
A String which is not considered a primitive data type in most programming languages, is also very important to know. The reason it's not primitive  is because internally strings are represented as multiple characters, which you could decompose into individual characters. As a requirement primitive data types must be predefined types of data. A String then, holds a string of letters or characters. Or maybe more easily spoken as a sequence of characters together as a variable *generally speaking* (EX: String would be "Gaming"). Remembering that things like a space ( ) and period (.) count as characters (as well as other things like "/", "'", ",", """, etc).

Some Common Practice / Naming conventions
Generally their are a few common practices or ways that most programmers consider to be accepted. Not really sure how to word that correctly but perhaps as I go on you will understand. It's good to follow these practices. A good example is the short name for a Button would be "btn_name", where name is the name of the particular button. The default in visual basic for buttons is "Button1", naming the button "ButtonPusher" would be considered not as well formed. This goes for other things like the text box, where it should be named "txt_UserName" following some similar rules as are used in the Naming Conventions of Variables.  The reason is so that you can retrieve useful information from the names based on regularities. Although it is not required and will not effect your code, It is generally recommended. Another important convention for variables is using casing to separate words for example:
Code: [Select]
Dim timeMins As Integer
 Dim TimeUntiTheSecondComingOfAwsomeSauce As Integer
Where the second word starts with a capital letter indicating the separation of words. Also it is generally done that the first word will start out lowercase "tempTime" allowing for a more easy flow of the words, however this is sometimes ignored if their are three or more words involved.

It is important to follow these convection's to have nice and tidy neat code that is easy to read (even for your self) and flows well. Remember however that not all venerable are as easily understood from their name, for example an increment variable for a counter in perhaps a for loop may be called int i; where 'i' stands for increment. Count is sometimes used in place of this but when you are doing lots of coding these shortcuts, or tricks can be very time saving and easily understood once you get to using them. Since they are used all around it would be good to be familiarwith them in case you have to work with code that is not yours.

Commenting Code
Commenting code is also very important. It is recommended you do so where it should be applied. Comment's in code are lines of text that the compiler will ignore. Meaning that is will not effect your program. These lines are used to describe fragments of code, watermark your application, debug code, or remind you of where you stopped or what you are heading towards. Commented code is just simply Human readable text. Depending on the programing language the method to denote comments can be different. Since we are using Visual basic for not we will just deal with "'" or (') the apostrophe. An example of the comment code is shown below where the green text is the commented code.

Quote from:  Comment Code
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
'@Inject OH 4
'Rev 1.2 Dec 4th 2012
'Program checks your IP and displays it otherwise sends an error

'Attempt IP Get
            ipaddress = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(( _
            lblIP.Text = ipaddress
        Catch ex As Exception
            'If cannot track users IP display error
            MsgBox("You are not connected to the internet or the hostname is down.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
            'Don't forget to close
End Try
As you can see commenting can be used to state the creator of the application (which is only visible via a user having the source code, do not use this to let users know), when it was made and a small description on what the application does. Those areas of comment are generally only for yourself and others using your code. Commenting is important, when you start making a huge complex program, it's going to be very helpful to know what your code does and where it is. Commenting is pretty necessary however you don't need to over comment for example:
Quote from:  Comment Code
'@Inject OH 4
'Rev 1.2 Dec 4th 2012
'Program checks your IP and displays it otherwise sends an error

'Attempt IP Get
'Start of Try
            'YEAH GET TAT IP
            ipaddress = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(( _
            lblIP.Text = ipaddress
        'But dog... what if something goes wrong?
        Catch ex As Exception
            'If cannot track users IP display error
            MsgBox("You are not connected to the internet or the hostname is down.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
            'Don't forget to close
'Now end that bad boy!
End Try
Although over commenting doesn't hurt it's a tad unnecessary and waist time. For now don't worry about it though, right now for getting use to it and since your new, comment as much as you need and want! Also in relation to the white space comment, white space ie no code just a blank line, does not effect your code and has no effect when compiled the same as commented code. Commenting can be used to disable fragments of code for debugging as well this is helpful when you think something might be breaking your program and you want to see what's going on. We'll take about this in more detail later.

Declaring Variables
To start in visual basic lets declare a variable. Dim is what we always want to start with. So Dim timeSpent or Dim reallyCool, etc. After we name our variable we need to then go on to say "As" and define the type of variable we are creating such as Int, Boolean, etc. Example:
Code: [Select]
Dim numTest As Integer As you can see in Visual basic we do not call it "numTest As Int" we are required to write out the whole word, which is a tad annoying and not really done with most of the programming languages you'll later deal with. However the IDE (integrated development environment, or the Visual Studio application you are programming within) has some nifty features as you type it displays a drop down of likely things you are heading towards in our case we can type int... and hit enter as it will be the first selected option on our drop down. This can at times get annoying when we hit enter and it changes our code into some random thing from the drop down but we'll get into that later as well.

Now we have created a numTest variable with type Int. We should initialize it! So lets go ahead and do that by typing on the next line:
Code: [Select]
numTest = 6 followed by the next line of code to display our new value
Code: [Select]
MsgBox(myNum)Putting this into piratical use we could create a form add a button and make this it's code so we would have:
Code: [Select]
Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim numTest As Integer
        numTest = 6
    End Sub
End Class
Lets assume however we are going to make numTest equal to 6 to start with and don't need to wait we can initialize it from the moment we declare it! Simple as, "Dim numTest As Integer = 33" if however we changed our first line to this but didn't remove "numTest = 6" the message box would still display 6, the number that numTest is actually equal too.  Their isn't much different between how the other data type work minus the following examples:

Code: [Select]
Dim numTest As Boolean = True
Dim numTest2 As String = "This is a string"
Dim numTest3 As Char = "c"

Anyways that is it for this tutorial. In Tutorial number 4 we will be making another application and back to reading again in tutorial number 5.

General Gaming Talk / PNI Gaming Ft. TowerSheep
« on: 17 Dec, 2012 03:50 »
PNI Gaming, is a channel me and Zombie Penguin have.
Anyways so we were playing survivor with Towersheep. This is our story....
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Zombie Master / ZM - Always Empty
« on: 09 Dec, 2012 20:29 »
What do you all think? Time to shut it down or keep it up?

So as many of you probably know their is now many new Minecraft games such as Hunger Games "A game where you buy a kit and survive until the feast where you then get good loot if you make it their first or what not and kill the last remaining players" Which I fine to be a very very fun game to play with friends and groups, however game like these introduce paying features, such as only 4 kits are free players then pay actual money for additional kits. This for some people is insane and makes them get angry and just forget the mod exist. But how else can these mods exist? They need some sort of compensation besides they host all the servers them self's *Private Mods*, and as many claim the kits aren't game breaking, one always counters another or the fact some say no kit is better then another just simply different. Although this may be true some people still don't care.

Other mods also are for Minecraft, such as Minecrafts Version Of TTT, where the pay function is users can pay for Terrorist Rounds by buying T Passes, which can be used at anytime (max number of T's so if someone else used it they may be unable that round) however, this is also not game braking since you can still get traitor just as much with out it and being traitor doesn't give you anything other then what it would anyways.

Then Hidden Source Mod for Minecraft came out (Ghost Craft) which many dislike and many like. It's paied featured is VIP servers, and Special kits.

What do you all think?

Will their be a massive future for Minecraft Mods?

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