CG Technical Area > Programming

Map Vote for CG TTT

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If an admin wants to move this they can.

I got a vote map system for TTT and it works I can give you all the CVar Settings and etc. This was not made by me but I just converted it from Garry's mod 12 :P


* mapvote_randommaps (def. 3)
mapvote_oldestmaps (def. 2)
mapvote_shuffle (def. 1)
mapvote_cycle_delay (def. 5) -In seconds
mapvote_cycle_forcechange (def. 1)
mapvote_start_timeleft (def. 0) -In minutes; This should be greater than the max round time, or the vote might not appear; 0 uses the old time behaviour.
mapvote_start_roundsleft (def. 1)
mapvote_rtv (def. 1)
mapvote_rtv_ratio (def. 0.66)
mapvote_rtv_minrounds (def. 2)
mapvote_rtv_minplayers (def. 3)
mapvote_rtv_forcevote (def. 0) - Note: This will bypass minrounds; Forces a vote to occur as soon as the RTV passes.
Here is a links:
Lua File:

Enjoy and hopefully tower can use this :P
Give me feedback and you can use +1/-1 or +0 if you would like to rate this!

Edit: The fix was pretty easy and this was requested by Tendovvi to upload it :P
Its just redoing the code if you want some lua tips just PM me and I will see what to do :P

Message Tower about this, or put it in suggestions, I would love to see this on the server!


Seriously if this works it would be amazing.

This would be awesome to have. Message this to Towersheep please. :D


--- Quote from: Tyber on February 13, 2013, 06:42:17 PM ---Message Tower about this, or put it in suggestions, I would love to see this on the server!

--- End quote ---

Exactly, put it in the adequate suggestions thread with the correct format , seems like you got yourself one hell of a good suggestion.

Here's the format

--- Code: ---What type of suggestion?: (Map, Equipment, Weapon, Model, Icon, Feature, Etc.)
What does it do?: (Describe what the suggestion will do and add to the gameplay/server.)
Why should it be added?: (Self explanatory)
Link to download/addon: (On applies if it is a suggested server map or addon. If it doesn't exist I am more than willing to script it myself.)
--- End code ---


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