CG Technical Area > CG Community Suggestions

The Navigation Bar

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Check out my screenshot for a reference; even though trying to click the area below the navigation bar will explain what I'm talking about for you.

The "Conjointgaming [Game On] >> CG Technical Area >> CG community suggestions >> thread " area is usually clickable; as in you can click on CG Technical area and it takes you there; but something about the dropdown portion that includes Donations, and Logout blocks my ability to do so. It's been like this for quite some time now.

If I make my window smaller; they all drop down like logout and donations does. Trying to click on the links I speak of simply highlights the whole navigational bar so meh.

I was wondering if we could somehow fix this; because I am used to using those links to navigate quicker. Was it intentional?

Inject OH 4:

It's all about screen resolution (and browser window size).
Unintentional, but the theme is designed that way. No real way to change it. I can change the padding between items a bit but that is about all.

Oh; well is there a way to move the link chain down maybe? The CG >> CG tech >> CG suggestions>> post thing? It's just annoying since it doesn't look like anythings preventing me from clicking them like I used to; but oh well.

Inject OH 4:

--- Quote from: Pillz on February 03, 2013, 05:34:40 AM ---Oh; well is there a way to move the link chain down maybe? The CG >> CG tech >> CG suggestions>> post thing? It's just annoying since it doesn't look like anythings preventing me from clicking them like I used to; but oh well.

--- End quote ---
you could switch to vertex low res version... might solve your issue?

Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!):
Vertex low rez is soooooo wide, holy shit.


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