CG Technical Area > Maps Area

Problems with area portals


I placed area portals in all the doorways and windows of my map, and I don't think that they are working...
Also, now there is a major problem with the water.

IrishBandit told me about this thing called "optimization", that has to do with cleaning up your map so it won't lag and you won't get map errors and such.  So I watched a few tutorials about optimization and I was told if I put brushes with the Area Portal texture and make them a func_area_portal entity at every opening of a room it would only render what I could see through the area portal, thus reducing lag. heres a vid describing that, and the manual way to do it... which I just might have to try, even though it will be an extreme challenge, considering my map is pretty messy...

Source SDK Tutorial - Optimizing

For that door, you need to have a func_areaportal there and link it up with the door entity.
for the water, you may have a leak, check for leaks by going to Map>load pointfile; a red line will go from an entity to a leak, seal the hole and load it again fix the leak; repeat until it comes up with an "open" window, close that and all your leaks are sealed.

I suggest these 5 tutorials
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 1- Func _detail and Skybox
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 2- Solving Leaks, Fish bowl therey
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 3- Hint and Skip
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 4- Area Portals
Hammer Tutorial #21 optimization Part 5- Occluders

Great Videos I think I'm going to sticky this!

A non-optimization - related thing

Don't use dx80 water textures, they look horrible and the normal ones refract and reflect.


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