CG Technical Area > CG YouTube

Progress Report?


I know things are going to be slow during take off, but I need an update on who's doing what and how far they are with it.

So far I've completely recorded Dark Souls and plan to begin recording Horror Mods tonight.

Well I know the hidden team is slowly working on some stuff let me know what your going to play tonight and I will jump on with you if they are multiplayer

Decent; uploaded two vids. If people want to send me in huge groups of vids, I could manage that, I certainly don't mind the space it'll take up. Try to find ways to keep the files small though. (I don't do editing though, so asking someone else to edit before I upload it would be ideal :P)

I have an hour of TF2 gameplay with Kountd0wn but I definitely need help with editing. Can anyone help me with that ?

What exactly do you need done to it. if its relatively easy I can help


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