CG Administration Section > Admin Department

TTT admin feedback

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Old Crow:
I don't quite remember who but I noticed some of the admins slay first ask questions later. Unless its pretty blatant(and even then I would tell them what they did) we must question RDMers before we slay them.

Cortez - Fix the server. ;D
Blackllama - Play more, you!
Ashes Relandi - Good guy. Not much to say.
Tendovvi - Play more, and stop slurping. -.-
Mystery - Play more.
TowerSheep - Not much to say. Knows how to deal with SERIOUS trolling.
Neltharion - Play more.
Arth - Play More.
Mr.TheDoctor - Play more.
HolyDeath - He's on later at night usually guys. You can catch him then.
Muffins - Play more? Not sure since you play a decent amount.
Blazyd - Nothing.
Nexus - DUDE. Chill out. Good guy, but his admining is a bit discerning sometimes. Can be a little bit of a mean, but he doesn't do it on purpose. Rough around the edges, but great admin nonetheless. Great guy too.
Caboose74 - meh, never see him on. Trolls a little bit, but I do to, so again, meh.
Yankees - Love this guy, so whatever I say will be a little biased.
Tyber -  Same as Yankees.
Andredem - Play more.
UnknownError - Same as Yankees, although all 3 of them are fantastic admins.
Klutonec - Play more
StormOfAshes - Play more
Billy - Might need some training. Still slaying before talking.
Link - Same as billy. Not a bad thing, just needs to be trained.

Cortez - a scrub
Blackllama - Good admin dont see on alot anymore
Ashes Relandi - ^
Tendovvi -  needs to get better at the game and pay attention to admining more
Mystery - 
TowerSheep - SAvior of the orphans
Neltharion -  is on the planet neptune
Arth -  Never see anymore
Mr.TheDoctor - my hubby and amazing admin
HolyDeath -  never plays
Muffins - never plays
Blazyd -  my bff and great admin all around
Nexus -  great admin may produce rage
Caboose74 -  has the cutest voice and takes admining seriously
Yankees -  takes admining seriously
Tyber -  cool guy
Andredem -  Don't see around alot but great admin
UnknownError -  Good admin
Klutonec -  no
StormOfAshes - good admin helps out when server needs it
Billy -  havent been observing
Link - havent been observing

This is how I handle rdm. If I see no complaints in admin chat/verbally or regular chat, there is no rdm that round. If there are complaints, I verbally tell someone why you slayed so and so. When the voice chat is being clogged up I do put it in chat. In the next preround I slay, usually that gets their attention if they didn't respond to my questions before. Clear everything up again, and then make the final say when the round starts. I'm constantly told admins are too slow and sometimes said person rdms again ruining someones T round.

Apparently this way of admining is fine from people's feedback.


--- Quote from: oobla37 on March 31, 2013, 03:13:13 PM ---
Billy - Might need some training. Still slaying before talking.

--- End quote ---

I "slay before talking" because I talk to that person while the current round is still going on, if they're dead. If they never die during that round, then I slay them pre-round (so that hopefully they're paying attention), ask once in chat, ask once on the mic and then slay if they don't respond / proved that they did RDM.

And I don't bother with the occasional RDM unless someone reports it to the admin chat. Because if they don't, then they clearly don't care that they were killed.


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