CG Administration Section > Ban Request

Ban Request Format (Revised)


CG Info Bot:
Use the format shown below when making an admin application:
As you make this Ban Request please keep in mind we want exact names and vivid detail on the situation to help us understand what happened. Please always provide proof with your Ban Requests. (Demo's or Screenshots.)

Your name in-game:

Offender's name in-game:

Date/Time of the offence:


Server: ttt, hidden, etc

Any administrators on the server?:

What was the problem/offense?:

    • Proof:

    • Other comments:

Also it would help if you added a picture or a video to support your request and make it quicker and easier for us admins to ban them. If you want a good game recorder, I suggest Fraps. You can get a demo version online for free.

If the player's name is offensive, or contains curse words, do not use it in the title of the post.

Inject OH 4:

--- Code: ---November 8th 2012
+Cleaned up some stuff
-Removed some bad stuff
--- End code ---


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