CG Gaming Section > Zombie Panic: Source

Contagion Kickstarter

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So, contagion is in early beta. 100 keys were given out over the weekend in the steam group. Now the kickstarter is up. Anyone planning on donating?

The map design is pretty zps-y, but some of the game mechanics are a bit different. There's a pvp gamemode where survivors have to avoid the zombies while looking for guns and killing each other, I enjoy that quite a bit. Overall it's looking pretty good, and only going to get better at this point. I hope the kickstarter succeeds.

It does look decent, but I need another zombie game like I need a hole in my head.

Lol this looks like a L4D game

This looks like NMRIH and L4D had a baby, but then L4D finds out that NMRIH was having an affair with ZPS and now he doesn't know who the father is.

This looks pretty cool, would like to try it.

Cortez (Mr. T. FOO!):

--- Quote from: Leetgrain on September 14, 2013, 11:05:29 AM ---This looks like NMRIH and L4D had a baby, but then L4D finds out that NMRIH was having an affair with ZPS and now he doesn't know who the father is.

This looks pretty cool, would like to try it.

--- End quote ---

Ahahaha, just for that I'll try it out when it's actually released.


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