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Messages - Ozborne

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Admin Time Away Forum / Re: It's a Gray Fox Vacation!
« on: 11 Jun, 2014 17:50 »
Cya mate, I hope you have a fun time there!

Admin Applications / Re: GhostNinja's Application.
« on: 09 Jun, 2014 23:45 »
Let the guy speak for himself - if he did indeed wrong, he deserves a chance to explain himself.

In all cases, I value the opinion of people having actually played with the applicant more than blind logs. Hey, we have a regular player on ZM named "Adolf Hitler" with "jew cartoons" tags - but it's all satire, nobody cares and he's both an active and good player to game with. If your sole reason to put an application in the trash bin is because the guy once went with "****" in his name and was allegedly RDMing, all without looking further into the case or listening to the people who actually met him, I say you're being awfully expedient.
Futeko, you know I have no problem with you but the fact that he has multiple RDM cases from a month or two ago is very irritating. I understand they're defending him because they think he will be good as the position.. In my opinion you always think towards the bright situation, the N word is very disrespectful to 'black' or 'colored' people, but some also take it as a complement. He is a troll by the looks of it and with our current situation I don't think it'd be good to risk loosing players over him.

Admin Applications / Re: GhostNinja's Application.
« on: 07 Jun, 2014 19:32 »
No Cheating / Vac Bans, Hacking, trolling, or Minging other communities, or clans within the last 6 months or of CG at any time.
I say those requirements still stay, seeing as those bans are recent, and they're both good communities in my opinion and I've got friends that play them and they never complain about admin aboose or random bans..

Admin Applications / Re: GhostNinja's Application.
« on: 05 Jun, 2014 11:10 »
Agree with Pyro, you haven't been very active ingame that I've seen. Even if you're relatively new, I try to hop in when I can but with my current computer problem I can't. I have yet to see you in game and with your previous bans I am keeping my -1 seeing as those are all very recent.. I think most people will agree, a admin with RDMing past is a huge ass turn off for players.

Maps Area / Re: [GMOD] [Murderer] mu_abandoned
« on: 26 May, 2014 20:48 »

The map is extremely well done, but I realize there is a way of getting out of the map.. I believe me and inject were speaking of this one night, and he said he'd inform you but I believe he did not? Anyways If he did then I am telling you again <3. It is upstairs I believe.

Way Off Topic Box / Re: UGH!
« on: 20 May, 2014 20:46 »
Jesus, I have not seen you since CTC, when I left SKG to join ya'll!

Admin Resignation / Re: I'm out
« on: 12 May, 2014 20:32 »
Reason for resignation: You have no idea how to properly run servers.

Admin Resignation / Re: I'm out
« on: 12 May, 2014 19:30 »
I liked you, I am sad to see you leaving the community. I understand what you might have against the community for not staying standing very well as of now. It is hard on Inject to keep up everything, as of the Sourcebans issue it was out of his hands and he had not control over whether or not it stayed or went back up.  Sorry for the grammar issues, I am typing this from my phone and I am very pleased to say I won't exactly miss you due to you disrespecting the community. Though I understand you and I have different opinions!

King Regards,


I'm going off to work again.
I leave the chaos of the Hidden Servers in the capable hands of Kwarte, Keksas, Naruko, and whomever else may decide to pop back in to help out.

Kwarte, remember to help the two newbs and see they are capable enough to attain Regular Admin status.

Also, don't forget to ask for web permissions to edit your own bans. That's key in the event of a typo or mistake.

I'll be back in about two months. Promise to clean up after any parties before I come back please. Be responsible with the liquor cabinet.
And don't use the decorative towels!

Nooo, Imma miss you mayn!

Minecraft / Server Changelog
« on: 20 Apr, 2014 16:24 »
All upcoming updates will be placed here!

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft Server inroute!
« on: 20 Apr, 2014 16:23 »
alpha beta


Seriously, I'm excited for this. It's just too bad I"m hoping to ship out soon.
Don't mind my fail, I had just woke up after a night of heavy drinking.. I'll tidy up the thread soon.

Minecraft / Minecraft Server inroute!
« on: 20 Apr, 2014 13:04 »
If you have not already been informed, but I am sure most of you have been hinted it! Conjoint Gaming's Minecraft server is soon to be released in alpha beta, where I will allow you(The members) a chance to hop on and check out the server so far, and tell me if you'd like to see things in the future!

Server Plugins
Group Manager

One thing that I added is the availability for VIPS to get access to their own kits so it should spike donations alot! Another good point is when you donate, it will soon be automatic to the server(You'd receive your rank in 5-10 minutes)

Kind Regards,

-Sent from Iphone

Introductions Forum / Re: Help I'm Alive.
« on: 19 Apr, 2014 10:26 »
Not you again. :( Glad to see you back buddy. :)

Admin Applications / [Forums] Ozborne App
« on: 15 Apr, 2014 20:35 »
In game name: Ozborne

Link to your steam page: Not really needed(Forum Staff App)

What helpful qualities do you possess: I've been using SMF, MyBB, Xenforo, IPB, VB, and PhpBB3 for a long time as I don't have the computer specs to play much games I feel I'd be more help moderating the forums, sticking old topics which I feel should be.. I feel it'd be nice to clean up the forums a lot more then they are atm!

What country are you from: US

Age: 16

Microphone: (yes or no): Dah

Do you have past admin/forum experience: Admin here, forum experiences were explained above!

Do you use our TS server: Sometimes

Additional Notes:

Introductions Forum / Re: New Guy
« on: 15 Apr, 2014 19:02 »
Whalecum to CG!

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