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Murder Server Rules


Inject OH 4:
Murder Server Rules:

* Do not block any major hallways or rooms, only block rooms unimportant and with one way in ect.
* Do not attempt to hold off the round EG: not murdering people purposely as Murderer, not attempting to shoot the Murderer as a Bystander ect.
* Do not call somebody the Murderer unless you have evidence they are.
* If somebody is AFK, notify an Admin, if no Admin's are on then you must wait at least 5 mins into the round to shoot them.
* No offensive/pornographic sprays.
* Respect all Admin/Moderator's and their decisions, do not argue with them.
* No exploiting any glitches or bugs. Report them to an Admin or Moderator immediately.
* Staff impersonation WILL lead to your ban.
* Keep racism/sexism/trolling to a friendly manner.
* No advertising other servers, communities, websites ect.
* Don't mic/chat spam.
Helpful tips (Suggestions, not rules):
* If you already have a gun, do not pick up any more points, as this is effectively stealing off everybody else.
* If you are the murderer. Do not pull out the knife immediately. The only weapon you have is a knife and if a person sees you pull out a knife they will probably alert everyone.
* Press Q and scream for help with it if you do not have a mic. It's a good last measure to cry for help.
* On maps that support it, collect 5 green glowing clue items to get a gun (only as a bystander).
* If somebody is annoying you ie: following you, repeatedly hitting you with things you may shoot them ONLY after you have warned them first!
* As a Bystander, Do not Randomly shoot people.


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