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Wii U failing (Part Deux)

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Old Crow:'

Just for you Oobla. Shes in trouble.

She'll be fine when the next wave of games comes out, once Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 drop it'll be nuts.

Seriously, I would have bought the original Wii only for Mario Kart Wii but there were already a ton of good games by that time, WiiU doesnt have that advantage they've got like 2 good games until smash bros and mario kart come out

Old Crow:

--- Quote from: Christovski on December 06, 2013, 12:55:08 PM ---She'll be fine when the next wave of games comes out, once Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8 drop it'll be nuts.

Seriously, I would have bought the original Wii only for Mario Kart Wii but there were already a ton of good games by that time, WiiU doesnt have that advantage they've got like 2 good games until smash bros and mario kart come out

--- End quote ---

Its going to die before then, and even so how many more sales will that push? Not enough to catch up to PS4/XBone. Nintendo either needs to accept that the U is a failure and move on, or stop making consoles.

Ok here's the point everyone seems to miss.

Why does Nintendo need to sell more than Microsoft and Sony?  Failure would mean they lost money but they are still making a ton of money, just slower/less than Microsoft and Sony.

I don't like the WiiU but saying that they need to catch up to the other consoles is foolish, you don't need to be the best to be successful Crow.  If that's true, then all our servers have been failures the entire time CG has existed :P

The thing I like about Nintendo right now is they aren't getting caught up in the competition, they are making the games they want the way they want to, and they are still making money, not giving a fuck about Microsoft and Sony.  I don't like them enough to buy a WiiU, but saying they are a failure because they don't make as much (still has the best handheld consoles on the market BTW) as the competition is an exaggeration at best.

Old Crow:
This isn't about the DS, this is about the WiiU,

Now read this from the article:
--- Quote ---analysts are confidently predicting that Nintendo will fail to meet its projected sales target of 9 million consoles by the end of 2013. They’re also predicting profit projections will be missed, and that it will only ever sell a quarter of the number of units its predecessor
--- End quote ---

So what does that mean? Fewer profits, fewer market shares, and less proliferation with third parties, who always jump ship off a dying console. Last time I checked, you don't just take a small corner of the market and hold steady, because at the end of the day others will simply swoop in and take the rest, which is what Sony and MS are doing.

There is no argument that Nintendos first party titles are great, but where is Zelda? How far out is the next one? Where is Metroid? Mario Kart 8 will probably be a rehash, and the next Smash isn't going to suddenly sell WiiU's like crazy. Consider that both PS4 and XBone haven't released their flagship series, how many consoles will they sell then? How about Fallout 4, that's not going to be on the WiiU, how many console gamers are going to grab a next gen for that?

This whole argument that" Nintendo is doing what they want" doesn't hold good if your falling behind. The WiiU has zero features that warrant a purchase, and its as simple as waiting for the price to drop to get any games from them but even then, same old Mario, same old party titles, same old Smash gets.....well old.

and "not giving a fuck about Microsoft and Sony". You have that in reverse, its Sony and MS that don't give any fucks about Nintendo, while they laugh their way to the bank. Sure Nintendo isn't in any sort of red situation, but in terms of investment they are in shambles, and that leads only to one road.


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