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Topics - Prince LunaShy

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Solved Ban Appeals / Who Banned Me, and Why?
« on: 02 Mar, 2013 18:13 »
I logged on recently, and was promptly met with the message "You are banned from this server." Who banned me, and why?
Who were you banned by:???

Why were you banned:???

What server where you banned from: TTT

What date and/or time around were you banned:???

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35194119

Your in game name: (=CG=) Prince LunaShy

Link to your steam page:

Additional comments:???

Solved Ban Requests / How to find Hackers!
« on: 26 Feb, 2013 19:23 »
This is a copy/paste from what I said on another thread. A sticky would be nice!

A good way to figure out if someone is wallhacking is by using demos! In fact, any sort of extrasensory perception (ESP) is easily observed with this method - with just a few console commands! First, get into spectate, and record a demo that is around 10 mins long - just to make sure. Make sure you say you are going AFK, so they do not expect you are actually spectating. Do not talk, respond, or do anything to make them aware of what you could be doing. MAKE SURE YOU SPECTATE THEM IN FIRST PERSON VIEW!!!! When you are done, kick yourself with the reason "AFK for too long." Don't forget steam IDs! Then, open the demo file in console by typing "playdemo <demo name>." Then, press Shift+F2 to open the demo playback menu. Pause the demo. Go into console and type "sv_cheats 1" and "mat_wireframes 1." Alternately, you can type "sv_cheats 1" and "r_drawothermodels 2." This will give you a "wallhack" that allows you to se the wireframes of other models and players. Now, look for the player aiming at enemies directly and constantly, especially behind walls. If the map is dark, or you have a hard time seeing walls, type "mat_fullbright 1" in console to light everything up.

There you all go! hope this helps.

Admin Department / Admin Post Count Requirement
« on: 01 Feb, 2013 20:36 »
I have noticed many admin apps recently in wich the poster has either had too few or just enough posts to apply - It is key that admins on our servers are in touch with the community, in my opinion. This would prevent just spamming your way to 20 posts.

In The News / Jumpin' Jehosa Fat!
« on: 29 Jan, 2013 23:33 »
Whelp, I know we at CG don't like boring local news. However, this isn't boring- In my home here in San Francisco, I am a student in The Urban School.

But Prince, that's boooooring!

Shit it, mr whiny voice! Anyway, my school is located next to the Haight, a street full of shops and other stuff. It ain't exactly the best part of town mind you, but it's great for lunch - we have an open campus. Everything's good until..... Well, today, a meth lab was found literally a book away from the front door of my school. And on top of that, a body was found that might just solve a twenty year old missing persons case.

My first reaction to this was to turn to my closest classmate and say, "What the fuck Milo? Didn't I tell you not to tell anybody? Damnit!"

Life is good.

Solved Ban Appeals / [TTT] Prince Lunashy
« on: 27 Jan, 2013 18:33 »
Who were you banned by: Caboose74

Why were you banned: Revenge RDM

What server where you banned from: ttt

What date and/or time around were you banned: Jan 27, around 2:45 AM

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:35194119

Your in game name:(=CG=) Prince Lunashy

Link to your steam page:

Additional comments: At the time, there were only three people on the server. I was the T, and caboose and another were innos. The other inno (not caboose) randomly shot me down, for no reason. He was not slain. Angry at both the RDM and Caboose not doing his job, I RDMed him at the beginning of the round. Assuming I was just going to be slain, I admitted openly. I had no idea that this type of thing was a week-ban (I find this rule kind of ridiculous. The first RDMer should be punished more than the one he RDMed.)  At the time, before Caboose had gotten on, I had been RDMed four times, and was at my wit's end. At two in the morning, I'm not really prone to control impulses. I understand if this does not go through, but TTT and the other CG servers have been my only escape in recent times. I've had a lot of stress, and playing with my friends here has been my only healthy way to vent. I just finished another week-ban (karma) last thursday, and really hope I don't have to wait so long again. I'm really hoping to play soon.
Cheers, and thanks for reading.

The Art Forum / Signature Repo
« on: 16 Jan, 2013 13:33 »
So, as I own a copy of photoshop, I decided to try my hand at signatures. I'm proud of a couple of these, but most of them are terrible (cough cough my sig right now.) I'll toss these here, so you guys tell me if you want them and/or have a request. I can't possibly beat Kwaurtz in skill, but I'll get yours done a lot faster. Plus, I'm getting better every day at these. Anybody who can offer tips, that would be greatly appreciated!


GarrysMod / My ReArms - They're gone!
« on: 05 Jan, 2013 07:42 »
All of my rearms have been removed in the new map cycle. Here are the links for them!
Roy the Ship - - Very few guns at all.
Island 17 - - Same thing
Tell me of moar that is in need of doing!

Solved Applications / [TTT] Prince Lunashy
« on: 26 Dec, 2012 23:34 »
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: Inject OH 4, Oobla, Linkster97

In game name: ≈EBS≈ (=CG=) Prince Lunashy

Link to your steam page:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35194119
To obtain your Steam ID, start a steam game, and type “status” in console. If you are having issues, here is a simple tutorial:

Do you have past admin experience: Yes - on a small minecraft server, a TF2 server, and on a steam group.

Why you wish to be admin: I've always liked helping people, and this is one good way to do that. Also, I'm tired of trying to get an admin on and gather enough proof to show that what I say is true. It's just a hassle for everybody.

What are some good qualities you possess: Responsible, informed of the rules, helpful, easy to talk to, on frequently, active on the forums, and have past admin experience.

What country are you from: US of A! More specifically, California - I'm on later than most admins over on the east side of things.

Age: 15 in one and a half months.

Microphone: Yes!

Additional Notes: I've tried to be very active in this community, helpful to new players, helped clear things up to admins (on the topic of rdmers, trolls, etc.), and everything else i can do to help us grow healthily. I've read up on this community's past, and tried to understand all that happened. We got hit hard, but now we're stronger than ever. I want to help pick up the pieces, and build higher - one step at a time.

NOTE: Tomorrow, I'm leaving for the Florida Keys for five days (camp), so after tonight you guys will be discussing this on your own.

EDIT: forgot to mention, I've also rearmed some maps for us.

GarrysMod / Rearming maps
« on: 04 Dec, 2012 19:39 »
Hello there! if someone would be so kind as to give me a download for whatever maps you want rearmed. Specifically, ttt_roy_the_Ship!

Introductions Forum / Hello Everybody!
« on: 03 Dec, 2012 02:45 »
So, I've been playing on the TTT server for a little bit now, and I love the community. Soooooo, I felt like I should be a part of this.

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