CG Gaming Section > Zombie Master



Quite frankly, I believe the Conjoint Gaming Zombie Master server would greatly benefit from the addition of more maps if possible.  Currently I am unsure of what else to say upon this topic or how to further elaborate.  Anyways, my main statement is that the server has a good population, but needs more maps.  Oh, aside from this matter though a few crashes of the server have been witnessed on occasion. 

Have a nice day Community!

right now some of the maps supposedly are crashing the server

once the problem is fixed more will be added

Also, if you have any maps you'd like to see on the server, pass me some links.


--- Quote from: Raunky on January 24, 2011, 03:14:09 PM ---Also, if you have any maps you'd like to see on the server, pass me some links.

--- End quote ---
I dont know any links but what about Bathroom? You know the one where you start in a box climb out, then climb down toilit rolls, so you can climb up a toilet into a sandbox then sink, then AC room.


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